How to Prepare and Deliver a speech? You will be creating a speech based on the characters we have read about in our short story unit---which one(s) would you say is the most evil; which the least evil?
3 c’s in writing a speech Connection Construction Content
What makes this a Good Speech?
To Connect you have to… Use your body – eyes, hands and movement Vary your volume – every body must be able to hear you, but you don’t always have to shout Vary your speed – faster, slower and use the ‘power of the pause’ Show your energy, passion and humour! LET’S VIEW THE VIDEO AGAIN AND EVERY TIME YOU SEE THE SPEAKER DO ONE OF THESE THINGS, RAISE YOUR HAND.
Let’s practice: In pairs, you will prepare a 30 second speech to your partner on the following topic: The person I most admire You must make the speech WITHOUT notes, but you must: Use your body (they will need to stand up if there’s space! Vary your volume Vary your speed Show energy, passion and humour! You will have 10 minutes to draft your ideas and 5 minutes to practice. Each of you will take turns and give each other feedback: what went well/even better if
Construction and Content Let’s practice: As you watch the next video, pay close attention and jot notes on: What does the speaker do to connect to the audience? What is he talking about? What is his message? How does he organize his delivery of this message?
Construction and Content
Construction A great speech has a clear structure – you can’t just ramble on! Content Be sure to stick to your message and topic!