U.S. History – 1587 - 1770 Chapter 4: Colonial America Lesson 3: The Middle Colonies
Section 3-Polling Question If you were given the gift of a large sum of money, how likely would you be to share it with your friends and family? A. Very likely B. Somewhat likely C. Somewhat unlikely D. Very unlikely A B C D
How did the Middle Colonies develop? Essential Question H o w d i d t h e M i d d l e C o l o n i e s d e v e l o p ? How did the Middle Colonies develop?
English Colonies in America 1660- England had two clusters of colonies in what is now the United States In the North were Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, and Rhode Island
English Colonies in America In the South were Maryland and Virginia Between the two groups of English colonies were lands the Dutch controlled
Dutch Colonies Called New Netherland Main settlement was New Amsterdam, located on Manhattan Island Had a good seaport Became a center of shipping to and from the Americas
Dutch Colonies Dutch West India Company wanted more settlers Offered large estates to anyone who could bring 50 settlers to work the land The landowners who acquired these estates were called patroons
Dutch Colonies Patroons ruled like kings Had their own courts and laws Settlers owed the patroon labor and a share of their crops
England Takes Over England wanted to acquire the Dutch Colony Because of its harbor and trade 1664- England sent a fleet to attack New Amsterdam
England Takes Over Peter Stuyvesant was the governor He was unprepared for battle and surrendered the colony to the English
England Takes Over King Charles II gave the colony to his brother, the Duke of York, who renamed it New York It was a proprietary colony A colony in which the owner, or proprietor, owned all the land and controlled the government Different from the New England colonies, where voters elected the governor and an assembly
England Takes Over Not until 1691 did the English government allow citizens of New York elect their legislature
The Population of New York New York continued to prosper under English control Had a diverse population Dutch, German, Swedish, and Native American
The Population of New York 1664- New York had about 8,000 inhabitants Including at least 300 enslaved Africans 1683- Population was about 12,000 people
In which colony did the first Jews settle in America? A. New Jersey Section 3 In which colony did the first Jews settle in America? A. New Jersey B. Virginia C. Maryland D. New York A B C D
New Jersey Duke of York gave the southern part of his colony to Lord John Berkeley and Sir John Carteret Named it New Jersey after the island of Jersey in the English Channel (Carteret was born there)
New Jersey To attract settlers, they offered large areas of land and freedom of religion Also trial by jury and representative assembly The Assembly would make the local laws and set tax rates
The Population of New Jersey A place of ethnic and religious diversity Had no natural harbors so it did not develop a major port or city like New York The proprietors made few profits By 1702 New Jersey had returned to the king, becoming a royal colony Colonists continued to make local laws
Pennsylvania King Charles II gave land to William Penn to pay off a debt Named it Pennsylvania and was nearly as large as England
Pennsylvania Penn saw this as a “holy experiment” A chance to put his Quaker ideals into practice The Quakers, or Society of Friends believed that everyone was equal People could follow their “inner light” to salvation They did not need a clergy to guide them Quakers were pacifists, people who refuse to use force or to fight in wars They were persecuted in England
Penn in Pennsylvania 1682- Penn supervised the building of Philadelphia, the “city of brotherly love” Penn designed the city and wrote their first constitution
Penn in Pennsylvania Penn believed the land belonged to the Native Americans and that settlers should pay for it He negotiated several treaties with local Native Americans
Section 3 Whom did William Penn believe rightfully owned the land where he planned to build Philadelphia? A. The English B. The Dutch C. The Native Americans D. The Swedes A B C D
The Population of Pennsylvania 1683- There were more than 3,000 English, Welsh, Dutch, and German settlers 1701, Charter of Liberties allowed colonists to elect representatives to the legislature
The Population of Pennsylvania Swedes settled southern Pennsylvania The Charter of Privileges allowed them to form their own legislature They then functioned, or operated, as a separate colony known as Delaware under Pennsylvania’s governor
How did the Middle Colonies develop? New York: Thriving Dutch colony seized by English; major port, proprietary colony; diverse population New Jersey: piece of New York given to other proprietors; land and freedoms offered to attract settlers; diverse population; lacked major port so less profitable; became a royal colony Pennsylvania: established under Quaker ideals; welcomed diverse immigrants; constitution; elected legislature Delaware: lower part of Pennsylvania settled by the Swedes; allowed to function as a separate colony Essential Question H o w d i d t h e M i d d l e C o l o n i e s d e v e l o p ?
Chapter 4 Section 3 Quiz
Which of the following was originally a Dutch colony? New Jersey Rhode Island Philadelphia New York City
Which of the following was named after an island in the English Channel? Pennsylvania Delaware New Jersey New Amsterdam
America's first town planner was William Penn. Peter Stuyvesant. Oliver Cromwell. Sir George Carteret.
Which document granted the Pennsylvania colonists the right to elect representatives to the legislative assembly? Charter of Colonists Penn's Charter Charter of Liberties Charter of Pennsylvania
The Charter of Privileges allowed the lower counties of Pennsylvania to operate as a separate colony known as Philadelphia. New Amsterdam. Southern Pennsylvania. Delaware.
Struggle for power in England The Puritan’s controlled Parliament They struggled for power against King Charles I 1642 a Civil War began Led by Oliver Cromwell, a Puritan, the Parliamentary forces defeated the king Many Puritans returned to England to join the struggle Charles I was beheaded in 1649 on charges of treason A new government was created with Cromwell as Protector When Cromwell died, Parliament restored the monarchy, but limited the kings power Charles II became king in 1660, his reign was known as the Restoration