STOP!! Let the PCs boot up. This might take a minute or two. 2017 May Electronic Poll Book (EPB) - Express Checklist Opening the EPBs Hardware Connections: 1. Plug power “Brick” into outlet. Push power button protector power strip. 2. Plug in hardware : & wait for green light. You can use a surge Plug Laptop power cord into Brick/Power strip and side of PCs Mouse cord into side of PCs USB port For Precincts with ONLY 2 EPB Computers: Connect each EPB with the SAME network cable. IF YOU HAVE 3 or MORE EPB COMPUTERS: You must use the networking switch (black box) to connect all of the EPBs together 3. Push the power button on all EPBs. Plug switch (hub) power cord into Brick/Power strip STOP!! Let the PCs boot up. This might take a minute or two. Launching the Program: One PC at a time 1. Insert 1 thumb drive into each PC using the side USB port. A Pop-Up window will tell you the thumb the drive was found – click the in the upper right corner to close the window. 2. Double Click on the ‘Advocate PCC’ icon 3. Click on the software will find the Election on the thumb drive 4. Click to open program and initialize 5. Enter Poll Book Attendant password click - click again to confirm data backup 6. Stop! Go to next EPB – start with step 1-5. Once all EPBs have the program running go to #7. 7. Verify both (all) EBPs are showing Check the Data and Time (the Election Date) on each EPB. You should see your total number of EPBs connected 8. On each EPB open the Poll Book Summary Report by clicking on select counts on the EPB Summary Screen Opening and Closing Report for each EPB. Store report under EPB and close report screen 9. Only one person using one EBP should Click to open the Polls. ; record EPB Kit & Tab 8 Tab 8 – Page 1
Electronic Poll Book (EPB) - Express Checklist Checking In Voter: 2017 May 1. Enter the first few letters of the voter’s last name 2. Click on Voter’s name 3. Confirm information and click 4. Click You are ready to check in the next voter Pollbook Summary Report: One PC at a time 1. Open the Poll Book Summary Report – Click and select . 2. Record the counts on the EPB Summary Screen Opening and Closing Report for each EPB. Closing the Pollbooks 2. Click on Close Poll 3. Have the Chief login password 1. Click on Options and click Close or Suspend Poll. 4. Click OK Power down and Pack Away: 1. Click and then selection ‘Shut down’ – let it go to black total before closing laptop lid 2. Pull the Thumb/Flash Drives – place 1 in Envelope #2 and the others in Envelope #11 2. Disconnect all devices 3. Pack away PC and peripherals in the red laptop cases and blue backpack 4. Place the EPB (blue) kit into left side of the M100 ballot compartment 5. Place the ‘Brick’ and any extension cords in the Write-In Ballot side of the M100 ballot compartment Tab 8 – Page 2 EPB Kit & Tab 8