Biodiversity Heritage Library for Europe Museum für Naturkunde Biodiversity Heritage Library for Europe Improving the interoperability of European biodiversity digital libraries
No digitisation: - BHL-Europe is not funded to digitise Museum für Naturkunde No digitisation: - BHL-Europe is not funded to digitise Best Practice Network: - no research and development project - building a solution with existing (state-of-the-art) technologies and bring it onto the market
BHL-Europe Objectives 1: Museum für Naturkunde BHL-Europe Objectives 1: Provide a multilingual access point for the search and retrieval of biodiversity content through EUROPEANA and BHL Review and test approaches for the establishment and management of multilingual biodiversity digital libraries Improve the interoperability of European biodiversity digital libraries by the innovative application of proven technologies Promote the adoption of best practice methods, standards and specifications for the large-scale implementation of such repositories Facilitate the open access to taxonomic literature for a large number of target users including the general public
BHL-Europe Objectives 2: Museum für Naturkunde BHL-Europe Objectives 2: Raise awareness and ensure that the project outputs are known and used by the target users and that the approach directly addresses user needs Develop operational strategies and processes for long-term preservation and sustainability of the data produced by national biodiversity digitisation programmes Facilitate and enable the initiation of scanning initiatives in European countries not yet involved in digitisation programmes and improve the infrastructure for digital libraries in all EU countries Negotiate with Rights Holders to enable access to in-copyright content
BHL-Europe Results (Indicators) Museum für Naturkunde BHL-Europe Results (Indicators) Indicator Expected Progress Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Number of accessible pages of biodiversity literature 14,000,000 17,000,000 20,000,000 Percentage of biodiversity literature available through EUROPEANA 20% 50% 100% Number of interconnected repositories 7 20 30 Number of content providers 25 Number of portal languages 1 12 Page views through BHL Portal 1,000,000 2,000,000 5,000,000 Page views through EUROPEANA Portal 250,000 3,000,000 Case studies of successful usage of the material by non-scientists 5 10 15 Agreements with Rights Holders / Publishers 2 4 6
Target users Libraries Digitisation centres Museum für Naturkunde Target users Libraries Digitisation centres Digital library / Open Access networks Scientists (e.g. Biology) Scientists (e.g. History, Cultural heritage) Citizen scientists Students of different levels (primary to academic) School teachers Environmental and Conservation agencies / Government officials / Policy makers Artists European citizens
Museum für Naturkunde
Biodiversity Heritage Libraries in Europe Museum für Naturkunde Biodiversity Heritage Libraries in Europe Natural History Museum, London, UK Narodni muzeum, Prague, CZ Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Stiftung Öffentlichen Rechts, DE Land Oberösterreich (Oberösterreichische Landesmuseen), AT Hungarian Natural History Museum, HU University of Copenhagen (Natural History Museum of Denmark), DK Stichting Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum Naturalis, Leiden, NL National Botanic Garden of Belgium, BE Royal Museum for Central Africa, Tervuren, BE Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels, BE Bibliothèque nationale de France, FR Museum national d'histoire naturelle, Paris, FR Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Madrid, ES Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, UK Helsingin yliopisto, Helsinki, FI
Museum für Naturkunde
Museum für Naturkunde
Museum für Naturkunde Project Work Plan Horizon scanning and analysis of current technical environment (Months 1-3) – Phase 1 Consensus building, standards, and processes agreement (Months 4-6) – Phase 2 Initial content aggregation and test of implementation approach (Months 7-24) – Phase 3 Evaluation, validation, exploitation, and demonstration (Months 25-36) – Phase 4
Museum für Naturkunde 1 2 3 4 5
Museum für Naturkunde 1 2 3 4 5
Museum für Naturkunde
Museum für Naturkunde Adrian Smales (NHM) Bernard Scaife (NHM) WP2 leader (MfN) Chris Freeland (MOBOT) Julie Verleyen (Europeana) Anton Guentsch (BGBM) Walter Koch (AIT) to be determined until 12 August 2009 (BHL-Europe summer meeting in Leiden)
Museum für Naturkunde Henning Scholz (MfN) WP2 leader (MfN) Adrian Smales (NHM) Nancy Chillingworth (NHM) Jiri Kvacek (NMP) Graham Higley (NHM) Lizzy Komen (EDL Foundation)
Museum für Naturkunde
Jill Cousins (EDL Foundation) Walter Koch (AIT) Roger Essoh (ATOS) Museum für Naturkunde Project Steering Group Henning Scholz (MfN) Graham Higley (NHM) Jiri Kvacek (NMP) Jill Cousins (EDL Foundation) Walter Koch (AIT) Roger Essoh (ATOS) Walter Berendsohn (FUB-BGBM) Francisco Welter-Schultes (UGOE) Ernst Vitek (NHMW) Michael Malicky (LANDOE) Laszlo Peregovits (HNHM) Robert Turlej (MIZPAS) Henning Knudsen (UCPH) Kees Hendriks (NAT) Régine Fabri (NBGB) Patricia Mergen (RMCA) Patrick Grootaert (RBINS) Hervé Colinmaire (BnF) Francoise Romagne (MNHN) Antonio Valdecasas (CSIC) Luca Bartolozzi (MSN) David Harris (RBGE) Frank Bisby (Sp2000) Philippa Scoones (Wiley) Thomas Garnett (SIL), Christopher Freeland (MOBOT) Teodora Oker-Blom (UH-Viikki) Uwe Müller (UBER)