Pig Latin, Languages Study & Cognitive Load John Wolfe John.wolfe@mpls.k12.mn.us Minneapolis Public Schools Multilingual Department http://tiny.cc/mpsPigLatin
Rita & John ritaplatt@hotmail.com john.wolfe@mpls.k12.mn.us http://www.weteachwelearn.org/tag/rita-platt/ http://mplsesl.wikispaces.com @ritaplatt @johnwolfe3rd Rita Platt is a Nationally Board Certified teacher. Her experience includes teaching learners of all levels from kindergarten to graduate student. She currently is a Library Media & Reading Specialist for the St. Croix Falls SD in Wisconsin, teaches graduate courses for the Professional Development Institute, and consults with local school districts. John Wolfe is a teacher on special assignment for the Multilingual Department at the Minneapolis Public School District. He has worked with students at all levels as well as provided professional development to fellow teachers. His areas of expertise include English Language Learners, literacy, and integrated technology.
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Today (Pig Latin, Languages Study & Cognitive Load ) Theory Pig Latin 101 (& 102) Academic Work: Analyzing Today (Pig Latin, Languages Study & Cognitive Load )
Ladies & Gentlemen … The Point to the Pig Latin “You ain’t seen nothing yet!” Approach to Instruction
The Pig Latin Presentation Learnings Feel the Burn: Hattie on Expertise & the “Curse of Knowledge” Cognitive Load & Language Performance Supports & Scaffolds: The Three WIDA Supports (Visual, Graphic, & Intersocial) Supports for all four domains Remove the Scaffold = Remove the Ability (scaffolds are to support performance …. not just to launch performance) Metacognitive Coaching & Learning Strategies Coaching for Cognates Coaching for Proceduralization Coaching for Chunking Coaching for L1 Review/Clarification Language use is effortful, tiring, frustrating … & rewarding Bonus: CIA Interrogation story
John Hattie on Teaching & The “Curse of Knowledge” Experts underestimate task difficulty for novices A number of research studies have shown how experts in a field often experience difficulties when introducing newcomers to that field. For example, in a genuine training situation, Pamela Hinds (1999) found that people expert in using mobile phones were remarkably less accurate than novice phone users in judging how long it takes people to learn to use the phones. Experts can become insensitive to how hard a task is for the beginner, an effect referred to as the ‘curse of knowledge’. Dr Hinds was able to show that as people acquired the skill, they then began to underestimate the level of difficulty of that skill. Her participants even underestimated how long it had taken themselves to acquire that skill in an earlier session. Knowing that experts forget how hard it was for them to learn, we can understand the need to look at the learning process through students’ eyes, rather than making presumptions about how students ‘should be’ learning
ContentLearning Content learning It’s all about Cognitive Load ContentLearning Content learning Language Demands
Cognitive Load Language Demands It’s all about ContentLearning New vocabulary New language structures Not-yet-mastered vocabulary Not-yet-mastered structures ContentLearning Content learning Language Demands
The Pig Latin Presentation Learnings Hattie on Expertise & the “Curse of Knowledge” Cognitive Load The Three WIDA Supports (Visual, Graphic, & Intersocial) Supports for all four domains Coaching & Strategy Coaching for Cognates Coaching for Proceduralization Coaching for Chunking Coaching for L1 Review/Clarification Remove the Scaffold = Remove the Ability (scaffolds are to support performance …. not just to launch performance) Language use is effortful, tiring, frustrating CIA Interrogation story
Pig Latin: Basic & Advanced
Cognitive Coaching Moment: Rehearsal for automatization Extending
Blends FLY Y-FLAY Cognitive Coaching Moment: Cue noticing
Cognitive Coaching Moment: Cue noticing
Cognitive Coaching Moment: Cue chunking
Prosody: Diving-Board Words Stretch conjunctions & prepositions to create “thinking time” before you move to the main words. I-yay ame-cay ooo-tay … ury-bay easer-Say, ot-nay oo-tay … … aise-pray im-hay.
Prosody: Diving-Board Words Stretch conjunctions & prepositions to create “thinking time” before you move to the main words. I-yay ove-lay uu-yay, ut-bay … … I’m-yay ot-nay… in-yay ove-lay ith-way uu-yay.
Words that Begin with vowel sounds Ognates-Cay Multi-Syllable Words Words that Begin with vowel sounds Duplicate = ? Restaurant = ? Television = ? I = ? Entirely = ? Honesty = ? Engineers are extremely interesting. Interesting events are often overbooked.
A More Demanding Analysis: The Sponge-Gun Feel the Burn – Cognitive Load & The Curse of Knowledge At your table discuss: how does your knowledge of Pig Latin vocabulary & grammar/verbal structures compare to your English command of the same? what’s the difference between your Pig Latin & your English? how does this affect your ability to use it to communicate?
Analyzing-yay: arts-Pay and-yay …… … e-thay ole-wHay ole-wHay …. uht-way is-yay uh-thay ole-wHay? Analyzing-yay: arts-Pay and-yay …… … e-thay ole-wHay arts-Pay …. uht-way are-yay uh-thay arts-Pay?
Analyzing-yay: ow-hay… arts-Pay ontribute-cay v … e-thay ole-wHay Analyze-yay: at-Whay are-yay e-thay arts-pay at-thay ontribute-cay … oo-tay … … a-yay icycle-bay oving-may?
Analyzing-yay: ow-hay… arts-Pay ontribute-cay oo-tay … Analyzing-yay: ow-hay… arts-Pay ontribute-cay oo-tay … … e-thay ole-wHay ole-wHay …. uht-way is-yay uh-thay ole-whay? ole-wHay …. uht-way are-yay uh-thay arts-Pay?
Reflections? At your table, discuss the bicycle analysis activity in terms of the four learnings … Feel the Burn – Cognitive Load & The Curse of Knowledge Supports & Scaffolds Metacognitive Coaching & Learning Strategies Language use is effortful, tiring, frustrating … & rewarding
Analyzing-yay: ow-hay… arts-Pay ontribute-cay oo-tay … Analyzing-yay: ow-hay… arts-Pay ontribute-cay oo-tay … … e-thay ole-wHay ole-wHay …. uht-way are-yay uh-thay arts-Pay? ole-wHay …. uht-way is-yay uh-thay ole-whay?
A More Demanding Analysis: The Sponge-Gun Feel the Burn – Cognitive Load & The Curse of Knowledge Supports & Scaffolds Metacognitive Coaching & Learning Strategies Language use is effortful, tiring, frustrating … & rewarding
onge-Spay un-Gay
igger-Tray aft-Shay ake-Bray ing-Spray
Analyzing-yay: ow-hay… arts-Pay ontribute-cay oo-tay … Analyzing-yay: ow-hay… arts-Pay ontribute-cay oo-tay … … e-thay ole-wHay ord-Way ank-Bay ush-pay ull-pay until-yay ompress-cay eate-cray elease-ray catches-cay (“until-yay uh-thay ake-bray atches-cay”)
Analyzing-yay: ow-hay… arts-Pay ontribute-cay oo-tay … Analyzing-yay: ow-hay… arts-Pay ontribute-cay oo-tay … … e-thay ole-wHay ord-Way ank-Bay ush-pay ull-pay until-yay ompress-cay eate-cray elease-ray catches-cay (“until-yay uh-thay ake-bray atches-cay”)
Reflections? At your table, discuss the bicycle analysis activity in terms of the four learnings … Feel the Burn – Cognitive Load & The Curse of Knowledge Supports & Scaffolds Metacognitive Coaching & Learning Strategies Language use is effortful, tiring, frustrating … & rewarding
ord-Way ox-bay: … arts-pay … e-thay ole-wHay … ontribute-cay ormative-Fay Assessment-Yay: Use-yay e-thay ictures-Pay oo-tay …explain-yay at-why e-way ean-may y-bay ANALYZING-yay. ord-Way ox-bay: … arts-pay … e-thay ole-wHay … ontribute-cay
Analyze-yay ow-Hay e-thay arts-pay ontribute-cay opularity-pay of-yay aylor-Tay Ift’s-Sway “Ake-shay it-yay off-yay”
At-Whay arts-pay ontribute-cay oo-tay is-thay ongs-say opularity-pay? Ick-clay oo-tay ay-play e-thay ong-say.
Reflections? At your table, discuss the bicycle analysis activity in terms of the four learnings … Feel the Burn – Cognitive Load & The Curse of Knowledge Supports & Scaffolds Metacognitive Coaching & Learning Strategies Language use is effortful, tiring, frustrating … & rewarding