Policies and Procedures 2016-2017
Tardies and Absences Students are tardy if they are not in their seat at 8:15 when the bell rings. Please send a doctor’s note the day your student comes back from an absence due to an illness. It must be sent within 5 days of the absence. Excessive unexcused absences may result in a letter from the district attorney’s office.
This year several teachers on our campus have begun to incorporate flexible seating. Flexible seating gives students a choice in what kind of learning space works best for them, and helps them to work collaboratively, communicate, and engage in critical thinking. This means that when students are working they will have the freedom to find comfortable spaces around the room to work.. We give students a variety of seat options to choose what best fits their learning style. They might be kneeling, standing, sitting, working on carpet squares, leaning on a pillow with a clipboard, sitting at a desk with a yoga ball or a wobble stool. There are many possibilities of what this can look like in a classroom.. Since implementing flexible classrooms, Schools have noticed that: Their students seem happier and more engaged. Their students are able to focus and do their best work when they are comfortable Their students are participating more and having more invigorating conversations. Their students have less behavior problems
Homework Alternative Work at Home Read 30 minutes every night and record on the reading log Alternative Work at Home Go to my teacher website and there are multiple educational websites that you can visit. Reflex math is WONDERFUL to do daily. (play until the green light, I will send home log in cards) If there is an area that your child is struggling in, I will make sure to to let you know and send home extra resources.
Google Klein has begun to integrate google through technology and motivated teachers to get on board. As a result, the students will become pros in Google! :) They are going to absolutely love it! We will be doing 2-3 google assignments a week with chromebook/laptops our school provides. (This will be beginning towards the end of this quarter). This will result to your child becoming a technology pro and less paperwork coming home to you. However, if for some reason your child fails a google assignment that was taken as a major grade you will receive a link through email from me, allowing you to view the assignment.
Discipline/Nurtured Heart The Nurtured Heart Approach is the behavior management system used in my classroom. The students will take a quick “reset” when not following the rules/expectations. I will focus on the positive behaviors observed in the classroom. As far as parent communication “no news is good news”. *If necessary a note (Uh Oh Note) or email will be sent to you describing areas that need to be improved on.
Tuesday Folder Your child will be given a weekly conduct grade (class participation, using time wisely, general conduct, and follows directions) An average of the weekly grades will determine the final conduct grade for each quarter. Greatness check marks for behavior can be found in your child’s Tuesday Folder. Be sure to praise your child for the areas they are showing greatness. Your child will come home with their folder on Tuesday, please sign and return empty on Wednesday.
Grading Period Progress reports will be sent home on the 5th week. A grade (with no minimum) will be entered into the grade book for any assignment. If a student scores 69 or below on a test, the student may be given the opportunity for reteach/retest. The retest grade will replace the student's grade on the test, however it can not exceed a 70.
Class Incentives/Positivity Earning Tickets (individual incentives) Marble Jar (whole class incentives) Happy Notes (positive notes to take come and post on the greatness wall on the bulletin board) Positive Phone Calls Home
Schedules Lunch 12:00-12:30 Specials Schedule PE-Mrs. Schauman (Monday, Thurs, Fri) Music- Mrs. Leinhard (Wed, Thurs) Art-Mrs. Lundquist (Tues) Library Day is Thursday
Meeting with Teacher Before or after school on many days Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8:30-9:10 Please schedule in advance
Volunteers Helping Hands will start very soon! This will include school/workroom activities (materials prep) At home material preparation for classroom activities Science Lab/Computer Lab: will send google form or email if we need extra assistance for certain labs Room parent to help with winter and spring parties
Contact Me lfair1@kleinisd.net 832-484-7420 832-484-7400 – main office line (please be sure if there is EVER a transportation change for your child to contact the front office FIRST.) Emails and notes are preferred I welcome communication and will return your phone calls the following morning or evenings.