Orient Me: Transitioning to the Online Learning Environment Melissa Meeker Dr. Kelli Whittington Dr. Richelle Rennegarbe
Objectives Examine the impact of an online and face-to- face orientation to assist students in their transition to an online nursing environment. Compare and contrast the online and face- to-face models for assisting students in online learning. Explore the online model used at McKendree University
Online Program RN to BSN Program MSN Program Dual MSN/MBA Educator Manager Palliative Care The online RN to BSN program started in 2012. The first year we accepted 60 students, In 2013, we accepted 80 students. In 2014, we accepted 100 RN to BSN students. Previously, general education and nursing electives were taught online. The online MSN courses began in 2007, but now we are completely online with our program other than practicum courses.
Literature Review Online learners “must feel a sense of comfort that will enable them to participate in the online environment” (McQuaid, 2010, p. 190). Gilmore & Lyons (2012) found that a mandatory face-to-face orientation reduced attrition from 20% to 1%. Student retention and success in the online program is imperative for sustainability of the program (Gilmore & Lyons, 2012). McKendree University is actively seeking all opportunities to ensure student success in the online format. In the Gilmore and Lyon study (2012), the orientation process enabled socialization and the formation of a learning community that enhanced the online learning experience. The orientation included an online library orientation, orientation to the online system, meet and greet with nursing faculty, and a practice course opportunity.
Literature Review According to Gilmore and Lyons (2012), “a quality online program requires a well- designed orientation” (p. 45) McKendree University has embraced this concept and has addressed this need by implementing an online and F2F orientation.
Orientation 2012 Mandatory UNI 105 was designed for the RN to BSN students UNI 505 was designed for the MSN students 2013 Elective First face-to-face orientation at each of our three campuses In hopes of providing students with the basic information regarding the nursing program and McKendree University, the decision was made by the Division of Nursing to require all RN to BSN and MSN online students to register for a pass/fail course – UNI 105 for RN to BSN students and UNI 505 for MSN students. Students must successfully complete the online orientation to receive a grade of “Pass”. There is no charge for the online course. The first online orientation was initiated in fall 2012. In summer 2013, the nursing division made the decision to offer a face-to-face option for orientation. The orientations were held at each of our three campuses – Lebanon, IL, Louisvile, KY, and Radcliff, KY. Melissa Meeker was responsible for creating the online orientation for both programs with input from myself and the nursing faculty. She is going to provide you an overview of the online orientation and allow you to view key components of the orientation. Dr. Kelli Whittington is going to provide an overview the face-to-face orientation initiated two years.
Online Orientation- Melissa Meeker
Face to Face Orientation- Dr. Kelli D. Whittington PowToon -Meet & Greet format -Based on student request -Invitations -All Faculty -Multiple Staff -IT
Summary Valuable information can be provided to students in the orientation process Orientation is vital to the success of online learners Retention can be enhanced with a strong orientation
References Gilmore, M. & Lyons, E. M. (2012). Nursing 911: An orientation program to improve retention of online RN-BSN students. Nursing Education Perspectives, 33(1), 45-47. McQuaid, J. W. (2010). Using cognitive load to evaluate participation and design of an asynchronous course. The American Journal of Distance Education, 24, 177-197. doi: 101080/08923647.2010.519949
References Reilly, J. R., Gallagher-Lepak, S. & Killion, C. (2012). “Me and my computer”: Emotional factors in online learning. Nursing Education Perspectives, 33(2), 100-105.