Cattle Kingdom: This Rise and Fall of the Cattle Industry in Texas 2/27/2012
Vocabulary Open Range- large area flooded with roaming Cattle and Wild Mustangs. Hollywood Cowboys- typically White males who are strong, and always rides off into the sunset at the end. Cowgirls- there were many females who had this job, but it was mainly a male dominated job. Barbed Wire- Closed the Open Range
How it all began Cattle Ranching can be traced back to the time when Spain controlled Texas By the 1690s the Spanish had brought in over 25,000 Cattle into Texas. Spanish Cattle mixed with English Cattle to form the Texas Longhorn. Mexican-Americans known as Vaqueros were the first known Cowboys in Texas. The Spanish established Ranches all along the Rio Grande.
King Ranch The Open Range made it easier to roundup roaming Cattle and bring them into someone’s personal Ranch. Nicknamed the “birthplace of American Ranching,” King Ranch became the largest ranch in SW Texas, with more than 15,000 acres of land for Cattle. Southern Ranchers soon began to realize that Northern States would pay double for the beef they were selling down south.
Cowboys Cowhands or Cowboys were hired to drive the Cattle up North. Spent majority of their time on the road, and was paid based on the herds they brought in. Unlike “Hollywood Cowboys," Real Cowboys were mostly single, poor and many were either Black or Mexican. The Texas Longhorn made the price of Beef skyrocket in the North from 4$ a head to 40$ a head.
Famous Cattle Drives Chisholm Trail- the most famous Cattle Drive stretched from SW Texas to Kansas. Great Western Trail- stretched from Kerrville, Texas to Nebraska. Goodnight Trail- Stretched from Mid-Texas to Wyoming.
Decline of Ranches Barbed Wire led to the closing of the frontier. Over population of Cattle led to overgrazing which ruined many of the ranches. Windmills and the extension of the railroad also ruin many of the ranches. Blizzards helped to bankrupt many Ranchers in Texas, and they were forced to sell off their ranches.
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