Palm Oil Biomass and Utilization
of Composition Fresh Fruit Bunch Nuts Fibre Long Fibre Nuts Fresh Fruit Bunches Crude Palm Oil Shell Empty Fruit Bunch Palm Kernel Palm Kernel Oil
Mesocarp Fibre Oil content reduced to ~ 1 % by chemical extraction Solvent Extractor Residue Oil Content after physical extraction ~ 5 % Use solvent (Hexane) to extract the residual oil Oil content reduced to ~ 1 % by chemical extraction De-oiled fibre is use as boiler fuel De-oiled Fibre
Mesocarp Fibre Deoiled fibre’s with 1% Oil content is used as boiler fuel In future could be used for other down stream products, example: Press fibre charcoal, etc. De-oiled Fibre Boiler
of Composition Fresh Fruit Bunch Nuts Fibre Long Fibre Nuts Fresh Fruit Bunches Crude Palm Oil Shell Empty Fruit Bunch Palm Kernel Palm Kernel Oil
Empty Fruit Bunch EFB Is about 20-25% of the FFB weight Fruits
Empty Bunch Shredder EFB could be shredded to 4-5 inches long fibre strands EFB Shredder
Empty Bunch Press Empty Bunch Press Presses the shredded EFB to reduce the moisture content in fibre
Empty Fruit Bunch Long Fiber Short Fibre Fibre length 4 to 10 inches Send to dryer to reduce the moisture below 10% Export to China for making mattress Short Fibre Fibre length usually less than 2 inches Moisture content around 40-42% Use as boiler fuel or compost
Long Fiber dryer EFB Fibre moisture reduced from 42% to 10 % Long Fibre use for making mattress EFB Fibre Drier Long Fiber
Long Fiber dryer Shorter fiber from the dryer is sell to other industry as fuel
EFB Fibre & Sludge Send to composting Effluent Sludge
Other product from Fibre The fiber could be use to produce pellet for other uses
of Composition Fresh Fruit Bunch Nuts Fibre Long Fibre Nuts Fresh Fruit Bunches Crude Palm Oil Shell Empty Fruit Bunch Palm Kernel Palm Kernel Oil
Shell Shell is around 6% to FFB Palm Kernel is around 5-6% to FFB
Shell Amount of shell around 6% to FFB High Calorific value Export to Japan, Thailand & local market as fuel
Palm kernel Palm Kernel Oil 45% to palm kernel De-oiled Cake About 55% to kernel weight Use as animal feed Palm Kernel Oil 45% to palm kernel
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