Master of Engineering Automation Technology It is a long road!
Master of Engineering Automation Technology Jonas Waller, 28.03.2017 60 ECTS. Can be done in one (full-time) or two (part-time) years. Theme: Innovative and modern control, digitalization and automation. Pedagogy based on a network of experts and students working together with focus on project work and acknowledging the CDIO concept.
Main points, Masters degree (HYH) Specialized focus rotating annually. Supervisory systems and automation (2017) Robotics, decision and control (2018) Smart buildings (2019)
Academic Universities Thesis work, research projects Interaction industry Interaction Academic Universities Annual adaptation Industry, society, evolution Evaluation interaction … Smart Buildings Robotics and control Supervisory systems and automation Common advanced professional studies B.Sc./Eng./Tech. Various backgrounds
professional studies (10 ECTS) Common advanced professional studies (10 ECTS) Master´s thesis (30 ECTS) Dynamic Systems (5 ECTS) Scientific articles and writing, 1 ECTS Systems thinking, 2 ECTS Dynamic systems, modeling, identification, optimization and feedback control, 2 ECTS Development of Control Systems (5 ECTS) Research methodology, 1 ECTS Product development and projects, 2 ECTS Supervision, data acquisition, communication and control, 2 ECTS
Specific advanced professional studies (20 ECTS) Linear and Nonlinear System Identification (5 ECTS) System identification, Machine learning, Big Data Multivariable Control (5 ECTS) MPC, Control structures Supervisory Systems (10 ECTS) Fault Detection, data-driven and, model-driven Data security, Interface design, Usability, Decision making Resource (Energy) management Energy storage Courses in detail
APPLY TO NOVIA UAS 15.3–5.4.2017