Noah’s Ark; Death to Life; Genesis 6:9-8:20


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Presentation transcript:

Noah’s Ark; Death to Life; Genesis 6:9-8:20 The story of Noah is perhaps one of the most difficult. And yet, the tale of Noah's ark is one of the best known

A good God? How can a good God destroy life to such an extent God is grieved by our disobedience ,and being a holy God he must judge sinners.

Righteous V9‘He was a Righteous man - doesn’t mean he was perfect. but that he honestly sought to please God

Heroes of faith That Noah proceeded to build the giant Ark in spite of never having seen a drop of rain in his life – Displays remarkable faith

Sin God takes sin seriously. Romans 6;23 ‘ The wages of sin is death , but the Gift of God is eternal life through Christ;

Two kinds ofDeath Physical death- Christians can be sad but need not fear Eternal destruction-separated from God for those who reject Christ

The story of Noah is a great picture of Jesus Jesus hung on the Cross jeered and mocked Jesus By His death brought salvation

Personal faith not inherited Belief in Jesus is a personal decision & commitment for each individual

Chellenges to us To remain faithful to Christ and obey God’s command to live lives that are pleasing to him modelling godly Character, we will become life boats rescuing people from certain destruction ,

Christ the only Hope At the Cross death and life kissed each other . Christ died that we might have eternal life. Romans 5; By one man came death to all and by one man Jesus came life It is this hope that we must carry into a world