Suicide warning signs IS PATH WARM Prepared For Williams Lake Suicide and Sudden Death Committee 2017 In Partnership with Axis Family Resources, Big Brothers &Big Sisters, Boys and Girls Club, Canadian Mental Health Association, Cariboo Friendship Society, Denisiqi Services Society, Interior Health Authority, MCFD & CYMH, SD 27, Three Corners Health and RCMP Victim Services
Suicide warning signs…
IS PATH WARM – WARNING SIGNS I – IDEATION What does this mean?? When someone is thinking about suicide When someone jokes and/ or talks about wanting to die When they threaten suicide When someone deliberately hurts themselves ie) cutting themselves or what professionals like to call self harming behavior NOTE: Self Harming behavior in adolescence is a mental health concern that should be discussed and/or reported to/with professionals. It is most often not associated with wanting to end your life. However, self harming behavior is an indicator of some internal pain they are facing and would benefit from support services. Some one could die due to the self-inflicted injury. If they have attempted suicide before
IS PATH WARM – Warning signs S = Substance use Problems with alcohol consumption ie) binge drinking, blacking out Using prescription medications(not prescribed by a doctor as treatment) or illegal substances such as marijuana, cocaine, crack cocaine, Methamphetamine, oxycodone, fentanyl, LSD, MDMA, Ecstasy and many more. This is sometimes used as a form of self medication, but it only makes a person feel worse after the substance is out of their system.
IS PATH WARM - WARNING SIGNS P = Purposelessness Feeling like there is no purpose in life Feeling like there are no reasons for living Lack of goals such as short, medium or long term planning Not looking forward to anything that the future may hold
IS PATH WARM – WARNING SIGNS A – Anxiety Feeling intense anxiety, worries or fears Feeling overwhelmed Not able to cope with these overwhelming feelings of anxiety, worries and fears
IS PATH WARM – WARNING SIGNS T = TRAPPED Feeling trapped Or that there is no way out of a situation That there are no solutions to your current problems or issues
IS PATH WARM – WARNING SIGNS H = Hopelessness Feeling no hope for the future Feeling like things will never get better That you feel like you have no control over what is going to happen
IS PATH WARM – WARNING SIGNS W = Withdrawal Avoiding friends and family No engaging in activities that you once enjoyed ie) sport, music, art, dance, food Socially isolating yourself – not engaging with anyone in community for example school or after school activities
Is path warm – warning signs A = Anger Feeling unreasonable amount of anger This anger could be directed towards others Or this anger could be directed inwards about yourself Anger about the situation but is deemed unmanageable
Is path warm – warning signs R = Recklessness Engaging in risky or harmful activities normally avoided Seeking high risk activities such as extreme sport, fighting, sexual encounters or activities, driving under the influence…
Is path warm – warning signs M = Mood changes a significant change in mood ( UP or DOWN) Sudden happiness after prolonged period of depression can indicate that someone has made the decision to die by suicide This may also include giving away personal belongings.
How can you help Remember the ABC’s A = act now (do not wait) B = Be supportive and listen C = Call for help – stay with your friend Crisis line 1-888-353-2273 Child and Youth Mental health – 1-888-686-8686 Kids Help Line 310-1234
Thanks to all the community organizations who gathered together to share and prevent suicide and sudden death in our community Axis Family Resources Big Brothers & Big Sisters Boys and Girls Club Canadian Mental Health Association Cariboo Friendship Society Denisiqi Services Society Interior Health Authority Child and Youth Mental Health Three Corners Health RCMP Victim Services MCFD