An IPv6 Flow Label Specification Proposal


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Presentation transcript:

An IPv6 Flow Label Specification Proposal <draft-rajahalme-ipv6-flow-label-00.txt> Jarno Rajahalme, Nokia Alex Conta, Transwitch IETF #52, Salt Lake City

Outline Flow Support in IPv6 Why Bother Now? Brief History of the IPv6 Flow Label Requirements Problems with the RFC 2460 Definition Proposed New Definition <Source Address, Flow Label, Destination Address> The Flow Label Value The Way Forward

Flow Support in IPv6 A flow is a sequence of packets that should receive specific non-default handling from the network Flow state is established in a subset of the IP nodes on the path Defines the “handling” the packets should receive Not likely set up on every hop end-to-end But useful at the network edges (access networks) mapping to a specific Behavior Aggregate for the “core” routers The Flow Label field should enable classification of packets belonging to a specific flow Without the flow label the classifier must use transport next header value and port numbers Less efficient (need to parse the option headers) May be impossible (fragmentation or IPsec ESP) Layer violation hinders introduction of new transport protocols (e.g. SCTP, DCP) More state in the router forwarding plane

Why Bother Now? Flow support is an IPv6 feature, but “still experimental and subject to change” Non-normative appendix in a Draft Standard Appendix A is inadequate even for RSVP/Integrated Services Soon there will be a lot of incomplete IPv6 stacks out there Only the default (zero) flow label support Customers are waiting for this: “On short term there is no reason to use IPv6 because of QoS - waiting the IPv6 flow label to be better defined and used for QoS in the future” - Operator at the “Deploying IPv6 Networks” event (Paris 20.-23.11.2001) If IPv6 Flow Label is now standardized, NSIS and other WGs can pick it up and develop flow state establishment methods using it An item in the proposed new IPv6 WG charter

Brief History of the IPv6 Flow Label SIPP (draft-ietf-sipp-spec-01.txt): 28-bit Flow Label Contained the “TClass” field (the first 4 bits), semantics of which optionally flow specific Flow identified by the source address and the “Flow ID” Pseudo-random flow label as a hash key to locate flow state RFC 1883: 24-bit Flow Label “Priority” field separated (4 bits) “Opportunistic mode” The rest of the IPv6 headers were to be used as the flow state establishment method Strict rules for routing headers, hop-by-hop options, and destination address: Must remain the same for all packets in the flow Allowed use of cached next-hop, header contents Max lifetime of 6 seconds for “opportunistically” created flow state RFC 2460: 20-bit Flow Label IPv4 compatible Traffic Class separated Opportunistic state setup abandoned, but rules kept in the Appendix A

Requirements The IPv6 flow label should enable flow classification without dependencies on higher layer protocol headers The semantics-free nature of the flow label, when out of context of the source and destination addresses, should be maintained Should provide end-to-end transparency for labeled flows The semantics of the flows should to be set up with explicit flow state establishment methods All specifics out of scope As few restrictions as possible on such methods The IPv6 specification must enable co-existence of different methods in both hosts and routers Minimal changes

Problems with the RFC 2460 Definition Inadequate support for RSVP RFC 2205: “IPv6 inserts a variable number of variable-length Internet-layer headers before the transport header, increasing the difficulty and cost of packet classification for QoS.” “Efficient classification of IPv6 data packets could be obtained using the Flow Label field of the IPv6 header. The details will be provided in the future.” Current Session object definitions require transport header lookup, even if Flow Label based filter is used Three reservation styles: Fixed-Filter, Shared-Explicit (SE), Wildcard-Filter (WF) WF style applicable on e.g. audio conference on a multicast group Shared resource reservation for up to e.g. 3 speakers simultaneously 100 members would require 100 classifier rules with the SE reservation style Only one classifier rule with the Wildcard-Filter style WF style has only the Session object, no Filter Specs Classification without port numbers not possible Could be solved if the same flow label value could be used with different flows to different destinations (Flow Label in the Session object) But a flow is uniquely identified by the source address and the flow label, AND the destination address must remain constant The above confirmed with RFC 2205 authors

Problems with the RFC 2460 Definition (cont.) Problematic requirements for non-signaled flow state establishment methods Use of pseudo-random values Constraints for the hop-by-hop and routing headers The history of the “opportunistic” flow state establishment Too restricting requirement for Flow Label value re-use Not needed if flow state is appropriately set up for the new flow Ambiguity on the end-to-end nature of the Flow Label No IPsec AH protection

Proposed New Definition The draft contains new text proposed to be included into the next revision of the IPv6 specification Main points: A flow is uniquely identified by the <source address, flow label, destination address> triplet Labeled flows have a non-zero Flow Label value Non-zero Flow Label value is end-to-end immutable The special handling for a flow is defined by a flow state establishment method, out of scope The methods can include rules for the hop-by-hop and routing headers, if needed The host must keep track of the Flow Label values in use by any flow state establishment method RFC 2460 Appendix A to be removed Draft proposes a set of requirements for flow state establishment methods Spanning from the definition above

<Source Address, Flow Label, Destination Address> Allows the same flow label value to be used with different destinations Enables definition of flow label based Session object in RSVP Efficiency (276 bits to compare)? The real benchmark is against the 5-tuple classifier Less bits than in the 5-tuple (296 bits), and in fixed and always available positions Current implementations already implement 5-tuple based classification (when it is possible) HW implementation performance better than 5-tuple Don’t need to assemble bits from variable offsets Robust classifier would check the destination address even with the <source address, flow label> pair The added flexibility is worth it

The Flow Label Value Any non-zero value No specific format Values can be re-used at will, as long as proper state is established Flow state establishment methods free to choose stricter rules Pseudo-randomness not required for efficient classification implementation Routers can utilize CAMs, search trees, or compute a hash key over the whole classifier triplet Router implementations should not depend on the distribution of the Flow Label values A Flow Label value is meaningless by itself The non-zero value guaranteed to be received by the destination host “end-to-end immutable” Temporary changes possible, if so defined by the flow state establishment method (out of scope)

The Way Forward Any specific issues to be discussed/resolved? How to proceed? Revision? What is the message to other WGs? nsis, ipfix, mmusic, ...