Sources of Wisdom and Authority (The Shari’ah)
Homework - feedback Find some examples of sections of the Shari’ah/Qur’an verses specifically used as a source of law. What did you find?
Homework Explain the different uses of the Qur’an for Muslims (10) AO1 only remember! Deadline – first lesson back after Easter
The Shari’ah The Shari’ah is the entire body of Islamic law. It is a wide-ranging body of law and personal rules, regulating matters of hygiene, politics, business, banking, family, sexuality, diet, society etc. It is meant to serve as the governing principle both within the Muslim world, and for Muslims living outside it.
The Shari’ah Shari’ah – ‘the path to the source of water’ What does this mean? It is the source of life for Muslims, water is essential for life (the Shari’ah is essential for a good Muslim life).
The Shari’ah Al-Shafi established four sources of the Shari’ah: The Qur’an The Hadith and Sunnah Ijma (consensus/agreement) – by whom? Qiyas (analogy) – what does this mean? Ijma – consensus/agreement by Muslim scholars and lawyers Qiyas – analogy to something similar in the Qur’an (for example?)
Aims of the Shari’ah Morality Self-confidence and strength Love of Allah Humility Modesty Naturalness Selflessness “The main aim is the creation of a morally responsible society, with the accent of social, economic and political justice” (Ziauddin Sardar)
Crime and Punishment Theft = hand amputation (5: 38) Fornication = 100 lashes (24: 2) False accusation of unchastity = 80 lashes (24: 4) Drinking wine = 40 lashes (some say 80 lashes) Adultery (4 witnesses) = stoning to death
Crime and Punishment However, mercy and forgiveness is upheld in the Shari’ah (Allah is Most Merciful and oft-forgiving). If a person is remorseful and pleads forgiveness, it must be given, with no punishment carried out in most cases. The Taliban/ISIS etc often create their own ideas of punishments and distort the true nature of the Shari’ah.
Crime and Punishment Archbishop Dr Williams suggests that adopting parts of the Shari’ah would help maintain social cohesion in the UK. For example, Muslims could choose to have marital disputes or financial matters dealt with in Shari’ah court instead. He argues that Muslims should not have to choose between “the stark alternatives of cultural loyalty or state loyalty”. He was not suggesting that the previous punishments were to be used in the UK as some elements of the media reported!
Nature of the Shari’ah The Shari’ah is not supposed to be a list of do not do this/that/the other. ‘He has not placed any hardship for you in religion’ (Surah 22: 87) ‘Allah does not seek to place a burden on you, but that he purify you and perfect his grace upon you, that you may give thanks’ (Surah 5: 6) Therefore, everything that ensures human happiness, within the spirit of divine guidance, is permitted in the Shari’ah.
Shari’ah and the Qur’an: summary In the Islamic tradition, the Shari’ah is seen as something that nurtures humanity. It is not seen as primitive or barbaric as some non-Muslim media suggests it is, but as something that was divinely revealed = God’s laws.
Should the Shari’ah be used by modern Muslims? Discuss this statement together in pairs/small groups. Try to think of arguments for and against and note them down (table/mind-maps etc). We’ll discuss as a class shortly.
Should the Shari’ah be used by modern Muslims? FOR AGAINST
Progress Check Plenary What have you learnt this lesson? Facts – e.g Ideas/viewpoints Similarities/differences - diversity Key words/concepts Examples of how religion affects the world around us – e.g. culture What contribution to your learning did you make? Contributed to class discussion Worked in a pair/group Organised my time well Found out information for myself Answered thoroughly and thoughtfully Completed extension task Monitored my progress Peer/ self assessed work How did you learn it? Research work Discussion Questioning Pairs/ group work - collaborative Independent learning Using technology e.g video/ internet What do you need to do in order to make further progress? Do further research Background reading Develop my writing technique Contribute more in class Proof read my work Give examples to back up my ideas Make connections between different beliefs and faiths