Gravimetric Analysis SMK Negeri 13 Bandung
After this session, the students are expected Objectives…. After this session, the students are expected to be able : explain the definition of analysis, chemical analysis and gravimetric analysis 2. explain the steps of quantitative analysis 3. explain the advantages of gravimetric analysis 4. explain the condition of gravimetric analysis 5. distinguish the separation process in gravimetric analysis 6. explain the condition of precipitate in gravimetric analysis Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Preface What is gravimetric analysis? What is analysis? What is Chemical analysis? Teknologi dan Rekayasa Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Chemical Analysis Teknologi dan Rekayasa Teknologi dan Rekayasa The determination of its element may contain Composition are: Qualitative what Quantitative how many Jobs to determinate the chemical composition of matter. Resolution of a chemical compound into its proximate or ultimate parts Teknologi dan Rekayasa Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Steps of Quantitative Analysis 2. Transform the target element to a measurable form Sampling Steps of Quantitative Analysis 3. Measurement 4. Calculation Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Measurement in quantitative analysis By Volume By Weight Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Quantitative analysis by weight with the steps : Gravimetric Analysis Quantitative analysis by weight with the steps : .Isolating Weighing Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Condition: The separation is complete no ion remind or less than 0,1 gram 2. The element or compound of the element separated is pure 3. The element or compound is in the definite form. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Advantages a. accurate and precise b. sources of error are readily checked c. absolute method (direct measurement) d. inexpensive apparatus Teknologi dan Rekayasa
general applications standard to be used for the testing and/or calibration of instrumental techniques; (b) high accuracy, although the time-consuming limits this application Teknologi dan Rekayasa
The separation process a. Precipitation methods b. Volatilization or evolution methods c. Electro analytical d. Extraction and chromatographic methods. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
The precipitate must be 1. insoluble 2. readily separated from the solution by filtration, and can be washed free of soluble impurities. 3. convertible into a pure substance of definite chemical composition Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Volatilization Heating method - Lost on ignition - Humidity/volatile matter - Ash - TS/TDS 2. Chemical method - CO2 liberating from carbonate compound CO3= + H+ CO2 + H2O Teknologi dan Rekayasa