Chapter 2: Exploring Connections Landforms, Geology, and Human Activities How do different landforms and geologic processes contribute to where and how people live?
Key Concepts and Terms Which province and where within that province are we most likely to see this, “Drop, Cover, and Hold On!” drill?
Step 1: Read the “Drop, Cover, and Hold On!” section on pg. 33. Step 2: Answer 3 questions from page 33 in this Padlet. Use YOUR REAL NAME please.
video. nationalgeographic 2:56 Minutes
Pangaea and continental drift
How plates move: Convection currents
Plate Tectonics The earth is made of plates that are constantly in motion, making some edges stable and others volatile
Plate Boundaries: The ring of fire, continental shelves, Hawaiian island chain
Key Features Rocky Mountains San Andreas Fault Rockies and Andes Mountain Chains Amazon Basin Newfoundland Continental Shelf Mid-Atlantic Rift Pushes North and South America west, creates west coast tectonics
Work to Do Read pages 37 through 39 on the “Types of Plate Movement” In your notes, sketch each of the three “Possible Directions of Movement” and, using the map in your textbook on page 35, name two countries or regions for each of the three types of plate movement. i.e. British Columbia’s west coast has convergent subduction movement. Answer questions 1 and 2 (all parts) on page 39