Steroids and Other Dangerous Drugs Chapter 26 lesson 3
Anabolic Steroids What is it? Synthetic derivatives of the male hormone testosterone. Used medically to treat chronic diseases Illegally used as a performance enhancer Causes mood swings, and abnormally violent and aggressive behavior, high blood pressure, increased growth of body hair and facial hair, and stroke Males can experience depression and decrease in sperm production and testicle size, increase breast size Females experience a decrease in breast size
Cannabis Derivatives Cannabis is the scientific name for the hemp plant Marijuana- cannabis that is smoked, eaten, or drunk for intoxicating effects Hash- the dark brown resin collected from the tops of the cannabis plant Physical and psychological effects Hallucinogen that has effects of depressant and stimulant. Effects people differently, some may become talkative and giddy other quiet and withdrawn Lowers body temperature, but increases the heart rate and blood pressure, stimulates appetite, loss of willpower and motivation, lack of energy and paranoia
Cannabis Derivatives Physical and psychological effects cont’d… More cancer-causing chemicals than cigarette smoke Damages respiratory system Interferes with immune system making user susceptible to infections from bacteria Lowers testosterone in men which decrease sperm production In females it can cause stillbirths, decreased birth weight, and a condition in the infant similar to fetal alcohol syndrome
Inhalants Substances with breathable fumes that are sniffed and inhaled to give a hallucinogenic or mind-altering high Glue, spray paint, aerosols, lighter fluid, gas Depressants Causes nausea, sneezing, coughing, nosebleeds, fatigue, lack of coordination and loss of appetite, liver and kidney damage, changes in bone marrow, permanent brain damage, hearing loss, limb spasms, blood oxygen depletion “Gateway” drug- leads to using hard drugs such as heroine
Designer and Look Alike Drugs Designer drugs are synthetic substances meant to imitate the effects of narcotics and hallucinogens Well known designer drug is Ecstasy or MDMA Ecstasy gives a short term feeling of euphoria but can result in confusion, depression, paranoia, psychosis, increase in heart rate and blood pressure and even damage to brain cells Look-alike drugs- made so as to physically resemble specific illegal drugs Don’t know exactly what you are getting Some contain high doses of caffeine, sugar, etc.