European Sustainable Chemical Support Service Final Conference 14th of September 2017 ECRN-Brussels Ignacio Martín – CIRCE
Rationale behind the ESCSS EU’s share of global chemicals production is decreasing in several segments Europe is competing for attracting investments with other regions with feedstock advantages and higher market growth in Asia, Middle East and the USA European regions well situated for mobilizing investments in field of sustainable chemistry “Sustainable chemicals” is mainly understood as using non-fossil feedstock for chemicals production (Biomass, waste and gaseous industrial effluents) European Commission selected six “Model Demonstrator Regions” (MDR) to receive advisory support services and show the way towards sustainable chemical production in Europe
ESCSS will contribute to assess regional readiness for large scale industrial investments on sustainable chemicals contribute to develop ambitious strategies in the EU regions to attract investment provide advise to the regions that will facilitate the elaboration of bankable proposals for investment. by providing advisory support services in 2 phases: Phase I: Development of a self-assessment tool on sustainable chemicals production readiness of European regions. Phase II: Technical assistance for the elaboration of bankable proposals for projects. Time schedule: 20 months (kick-off 12th Feb 2016) Contractor
The Six Model Demonstrator Regions (MDR) Regions’ ambitions Andalusia: develop bioeconomy in the region building on existing strong agrifood industry and well organized and structured chemical industry Drenthe-Groningen: become a preferred location for investments in sustainable production of chemicals (intermediate chemicals, polymers and fibres) based on regional biobased feedstock Ireland: capitalize on domestically available biomass residues and the repurposing of existing industrial site to produce biobased chemicals Kosice: support and up-scale existing biorefinery project based on agricultural waste (straw) from Kosice and neighbouring regions Scotland: to be recognised globally as a key high value sustainable manufacturing region building on 3 areas: industrial biotechnology, circular economy and green chemistry Wallonia: reappropriation and sustainable conversion of the Walloon abandoned industrial sites to develop innovative projects of bioeconomy
Self-Assessment Tool (SAT) Methodology to perform a first assessment of investment readiness level of a region regarding chemical production to serve as a starting point for regional discussion on how to design better regional strategies Issues considered: Feedstock availability Access to finance Support institutions Entrepreneurship Infrastructures Skilled workforce Regional markets Political support Features: Based on 8 factors 5-10 questions/factor Implemented in user-friendly online survey tool in DG GROW website Two questionnaires, one per type of feedstock (biomass, waste) Answers will be weighted results presented in spider diagram + modular conclusions Database for EU regions to be kept within EC repository: benchmarking + average Link: tool?
ESCSS supports the MDR by providing advise for increasing the investment readiness level on sustainable chemicals production Analysis of investment readiness of 6 MDR application of SAT Data gathering SWOT analysis per each factor Conclusions, potential actions 20 pages report to influence regional Master Plans Organization of a two-day peer review meeting in each MDR Participation of 10-15 stakeholder regional representatives Joint analysis of results of assessment and proposed actions Provision of practical cases from good performing EU regions as inspiring examples Provision of policy briefings on how to stimulate private investments per region Practical examples
Analysis of investment readiness: Current picture
Policy briefings: meetings with key stakeholders at regional level
Policy briefings: the future pathways
Thanks for your attention – questions?