October 2004 Through September 2005 Order of Magnitude Scope and Cost Estimate for a Design-Build Contract Package for the Braidwood Theta 13 Experiment October 2004 Through September 2005
Background Proposed as an engineering scope needed to prepare a Design-Build bid package for tender in the Fall of ‘05 Order of magnitude estimate based on: Regional geologic data sets (no site-specific data) An allowance for Electrical/Mechanical finish-out Excludes studies of detector hoisting/transportation needs Excludes cost for additional site investigation work The overall process outlined is consistent with principles-of-practice set-out for Design-Build Contracting: US Design & Build Institute and US Guidebook “Design-Build Subsurface Projects” Redpath Engineering Handbook
Braidwood Design-Build Design Scope Underground Design Scope 2 Vertical Shafts 2 Sump Chambers 2 Detector Chambers and connector tunnels Surface Design Scope Utility Runs Fenced/Gated Platforms Industrial Assembly Buildings Note: Under Design-Build Delivery Format Layout, Requirements & “Baseline Design” by Owner-Designer Final Design-Build by Contractor
Why Design-Build? Faster and potentially cheaper. However, Key that owner requirements be defined early in process: Owner commitment needed to avoid after-bid scope growth (build margin into scope to cover scope creep / experiment uncertainties) Early focus on development of a well-defined set of requirements that gives bidding contractors maximum design flexibility…. Leave detailed design and construction to Contractor Contractor knows best how to manage/use local labor, methods, means and materials most cost-effectively Additional Onus on Owner to select a good contractor and oversee the work (design reviews/approvals, QA inspections etc..) Greater potential for owner and contractor to work together (longer-term, less adversarial relationship with fewer intermediaries) but great reliance on contractor competence
Proposed 2004-2005 Activities Rough timeline for accomplishment of the main engineering and procurement tasks: October - February Selection/Tasking of Design Contractor(s) Fix Experimental Design Requirements for D-B Contract Start Engineering and Procurement Tasks… January - June Engineering Activities: Geology/Geotechnical, Civil/ Structural, Electrical, Mechanical (Budget/Schedule Input) Budget/Schedule Baseline Developed Procurement Activities: Pre-Qualification, Bid Package Preparations
Geology & Geotechnical Engineering Tasks ~ $75k Geologic/Geotechnical Characterization of: Ground units Ground water tables and unit permeabilities Viable options identified, baseline design developed Excavation Methods Rock Support Systems (Bolts, Shotcrete..) Water Control Systems (Grouting, Drain Systems..) Layout Optimization Develop Outline Specifications Meetings, reporting, reviews, contract documentation etc..
Civil/Structural Engineering ~ $50k Surface Platform Requirements and Baseline Design Work Platforms & Buildings Utility Runs and Access Roads Etc.. Underground Shaft Lining Requirements and baseline Design Soil and Rock Units Equipment Mountings.. Invert/Floor Requirements and baseline Design Drains, Rails, Equipment Mountings.. Outline Specifications Meetings, reporting, reviews, contract documentation etc..
Electrical Engineering ~ $25k Power and Communications Electrical services Enclosure normal/emergency lighting, outlets, cable trays, sump systems, grounding, include technical space needs for electronics (DAQ) Distribution system requirements (transformers, distribution panels, underground ducts, grounding, and raceways) Fire detection systems Emergency generator system(s) Outline specifications Meetings, reporting, reviews, contract documentation etc..
Mechanical Engineering ~ $25k HVAC Load calculations Fire Protection code review, system parameter selection and associated diagrams Groundwater Pumping Drain, sump, pump system layouts and associated diagrams Other Utilities water, gas, sanitary, as required Spatial layout of (equipment/ducting/piping..) Outline Specifications Meetings, reporting, reviews, contract documentation etc..
Drafting ~ $75k General Design Criteria (scale-approximate “schematics”) Title Sheet, Location Plan, Notes and Legend Design Criteria (Near & Far Sites) Surface Layout and, Shaft, Tunnels and Chambers Design Drawings (scale-accurate) General Existing conditions and road/utility runs for Near Site & Far Site Underground Space Envelopes and Elec/Mech Finish-Out Surface Platform/Road Footprints, Utility runs, Building Envelopes and Elec/Mech Finish-Out Electrical/Mechanical Drawings (line diagrams) HVAC and electrical systems Meetings, reporting, reviews, contract documentation etc..
Schedule/Cost ~ $25k To Support the Construction Proposal and Project Planning Cost Estimate Methodology Cost Estimate/Schedule Quantity Take-Offs Equipment Selection Crew Sizes/Make-ups Production Rates Schedule Risk Analysis Etc.. Contingency Setting
Other Costs ~ $50k Environmental Safety and Health Land Survey Initial evaluation and findings/recommendations Contract ES&H requirements and permitting Contractual ES&H instruments to ensure compliance Additional site investigation needs and monitoring Land Survey Site layout Access routes Meetings, reporting, reviews, contract documentation etc..
Project Management & Contract Administration ~ $75k Inter-Agency Coordination Plant Owner, Funding agency(ies), Owner’s Representative Management agreement(s) Coordination of Engineering Reviews Constructability and Value Engineering Reviews Work-in-Progress and Proposal Reviews Contract Administration Procurement & Execution Plans (ref. other projects, DBI format) Contract Development/Formatting/Assembly Contractor Selection - Pre-qualification Project Controls Establishment (Cost, Schedule, Risk.. Tracking) Meetings, reporting, reviews, contract documentation etc..
Cost Summary ~ $500k (with 25% Contingency) $25k increments - don’t want to give the impression that this is anything but an order of magnitude estimate ($25k represents ~1 senior engineering-month, or ~2 junior engineering-months) $75k Geology/Geotechnical $50k Civil/Structural $25k Electrical $25k Mechanical $75k Drafting $25k Schedule/Cost $50k Other Costs $75k Management/Administration/Bid Package Preparation (Design shown in basis of estimate is straightforward - there should be design duplication between near/far site so costs could go down but at this point in time think the above numbers provide a reasonable starting point) Contingency ~ 25%
Summary It is assumed that the work will get us to a point where the contract can be approved and bid: Adequate up-front engineering ($500k ~ a 25% design level) Ensure that bidding contractors know what is required Support funding decisions Upfront engineering by a “design contractor” with firsthand tunneling experience (builder-led with access to PE/SE). Design progress should be documented/reviewed by other qualified bidders so that “design contractor” does not get a bidding advantage. Final permit/design work will be done by Design-Build Contractor. Additional tasks may be required to comply with agency requirements (e.g. added documentation, planning and/or review cycles etc..). The budget may need significant adjustment depending on the disposition of partners. Suggest that we discuss internally and with our partners before writing a formal proposal.