Olecranon bursitis. (A) Lateral radiograph of the elbow in a patient with gout. There is soft tissue swelling over the olecranon as well as calcifications of the tophi (arrow). Noncalcified tophi are also seen as soft tissue masses in the subcutaneous fat. (B) Sagittal plane T1-weighted MRI demonstrating decreased signal in the bursa due to fluid accumulation. Interspersed in the bursa are foci of signal loss (seen as signal hypointense to the muscle signal) caused by calcifications (arrow). Protons in the calcified areas remain immobile causing a signal drop in all sequences. (C) T2-weighted fat-suppressed image shows lack of signal due to calcifications (arrow) and mixed signal in the bursa. The mixed signal is reflective of the complex nature of the fluid with urate crystals. Source: Elbow MRI, Basic Musculoskeletal Imaging Citation: Tehranzadeh J, MD. Basic Musculoskeletal Imaging; 2016 Available at: http://accessphysiotherapy.mhmedical.com/DownloadImage.aspx?image=/data/books/1788/ch15fg20a.png&sec=123934398&BookID=1788&ChapterSecID=123772797&imagename= Accessed: October 21, 2017 Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved