Learning Objective Recap key technical terms Consider your coursework essay
Vertigo and Acrophobia A feeling of dizziness or disorientation Makes one feel like they are moving when they are stationary Acrophobia An extreme or irrational fear of heights
Vertigo Directed by Alfred Hitchcock (North by Northwest, Psycho, Rear Window, The Birds) Made in 1958. Starring James Stewart as Scottie and Kim Novak as Madeline Elster and Judy Barton. Although it received mixed reviews when it was released, it is now widely considered to be one the greatest films of all time. A psychological thriller set in San Francisco and the surrounding area - a retired police detective, who has acrophobia, is hired as a private investigator to follow the wife of an acquaintance to uncover the mystery of her peculiar behaviour.
Dolly Zoom http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANfb6dGIUqw&feature=related Made famous in Vertigo – used to unsettle the viewer and, sometimes, suggest that a character in the film is equally unsettled Camera uses zoom lens whilst moves (or “dollies”) towards or away from subject to make subject appear the same size
We will watch the opening to the film. Consider how it helps to establish meaning for the viewer. What does it suggest about Scottie’s state of mind?
Essay title How are technical aspects used to create meaning for the audience? Setting Characters Story Atmosphere