Muon spectrometer (Magnet+RPC+PT) Advances in nuclear emulsion detectors Jiro Kawada, Paola Scampoli , Ciro Pistill, Saverio Braccini , Antonio Ereditato, Akitaka Ariga, Tomoko Ariga, Francesca Giacoppo, Mitsuhiro Kimura, Igor Kreslo, Alireza Ehtesham (Albert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics, Laboratoryfor High Energy Physics (LHEP), University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland) Abstract: Emulsion film has been widely used in nuclear and particle physics field, especially by means of their excellent position resolution. Nowadays high speed automatic scanning systems were developed and the application field has been spreading more, geology, radiology, astronomy, etc .We introduce the latest emulsion technology and its applications here. OPERA experiment first nt CC candidate Physics Letters B 691 (2010) 138-145 Hybrid detector structure Emulsion film by FUJI Film NIM Physics Research A 556 (2006) 80–86 NIM Physics Research A 556 (2006) 80–86 SM1 SM2 Emulsion Layer (44micron) A minimal detector AgBr Cristal, Size = 0.2micron Detection efficiency = 0.16/crystal 1013 channels in a film Plastic Base (205micron) Emulsion Layer Cross-sectional view (SEM) Intrinsic resolution 50nm Deviation from linear-fit line. (2D) sensitivity 36grains/100micron π-10GeV/c Electron ~100keV Target area (ECC + CS + TT) Muon spectrometer (Magnet+RPC+PT) Brick Manipulator System 20μm 1 All leptons in CC interactions are identified in the OPERA detector ne CC candidate (Ee=13GeV) - Current scanning systems AEgIS experiment -The confirmation of Weak Equivalence Principle (WEP) by comparing between g and g. - Emulsion film can measure the gravitational fall of anti-hydrogen by detecting a annihilation vertex. nm CC interaction - electron m European Scanning System (20cm2/h) Super-Ultra Track Selector (Japan, 50cm2/h) Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 568 (2006) 578. etc. K. Morishima and T. Nakano, JINST (2010) 5 P04011. ~40 microscopes all over the world A.Ariga University of Bern OPERA target & main detector ECC brick OPERA Collaboration, JINST 4 (2009) P04018 OPERA collaboration, A. Ariga et al., JINST 3 (2008) P07005; neutrino 3D track reconstruction Hybrid target structure. 10.2 cm 7.5 cm 10 X0 12.5 cm 16 layers 0.3mm AGE: Fermi lab. 1mm Bern scanning station 6 microscopes equipped with the plate-changer. Reference: Drobychev, G Yu et al., Proposal for the AEGIS experiment at the CERN antiproton decelerator (Antimatter Experiment: Gravity, Interferometry, Spectroscopy). SPSC-P-334 ; CERN-SPSC-2007-017. Lead plate (CS) The OPERA target consists of about 150,000 bricks. Total target mass: 1.25 kton Microscopes will be faster. Muon Radiography - High Resolusion By means of good angular resolusion, emulsion film can be used as a detector for muon radiography. - Easy Handling Emulsion film doesn’t need electric power for its operation, and the required space for setting is quite small. OPERA Film × 57 plates Lead x 56 plates of Bern R&D of next generation tracking using GPU Japanese S-UTS 50cm2/h European Scanning System 20cm2/h Next Generation? Aiming for >100cm2/h/camera in short term (1-2 years) Camera Camera Camera 3000Hz 512 x 512 pixels 500Hz 1280 x 1024 pixels Total surface 500 cm2/module 10 modules are made. Emulsion Lead E1-1 E1-2 E1-3 E1-4 Putting emulsion film inside(air tight container) ~1GB/s 0.8GB/s 0.5GB/s Image processor (FPGA) Image processor Image processor Image filtering zero suppression ~200MB/s ~200MB/s Tracking processor (FPGAx11) CPU Core 2 Quad (QX9775) NVIDIA GeForce 260 GTX NVIDIA GeForce 480GTX Processors 4 216 480 Onboad Memory - 896MB 1536MB Clock 3200MHz 1348MHz 1401MHz Mem Bandwidth 111GB/s 177.4GB/s Computing 0.05TFLOPS 0.88 TFLOPS 1.35T FLOPS GPU(s) main memory Experiment Location Tracking in CPU ~10MB/s Track reconstruction Disk I/F FPGA Disk Host PC *ATLAS GRID total ~100TFLOPS Medical Applications Emulsion film is an easy handling detector and suitable for medical applications. Neutron detection Knowledge on neutrons is important on in radiology. Low energy(~MeV) neutrons can make recoil protons. By detecting these protons with emulsion film(direction and the range), one can know the neutron spectrum. Beam study on proton therapy Emulsion film gives accurate measure of dose by therapeutic proton eam. The goal is to assess the amount of extra dose released in the patient body due to protons scattered out of the beam profile. The number of protons in the halo region is precisely determined in the Emulsion films. Disk Feasibility study resulted positively. Easy to make large scale implementation. High flexibility. Host PC recoiled proton track Host PC Emulsion advanced technics Momentum measurement in ECC by Multiple Coulomb Scattering. Emulsion Spectrometer Test exposure at KEK T1 beam line. Reference(B=0) p+ 0.5GeV p+ 1.0 p+ 2.0 p- 2.0 p- 1.0 p- 0.5 The distribution of S (mean, width) is quite consistent with the bending and scattering. s em* air em air em 30mm *em consist of OPERA emulsion film with 200micron TAC supporter on both side. * Proton contamination were rejected by dE/dx measurement Test module inside 1T compact-permanent magnet pions P resolution 15.6% 15.1% 15.3% 13.9% 13.1% 14.5% DATA M. Besnier, PhD thesis (2008) Université de Savoie, LAPP-T-2008-02 Scattering of particles P MCS (GeV) Recoiled proton track detected in emulsion film p test beam Pion 2 GeV Pion 6 GeV p test beam p test beam P beam (GeV) MC Preliminary 1 Emulsion film has many applications in many fields! C. Fukushima et al., ``A thin emulsion spectrometer using a compact permanent magnet", Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 592 (2008) 56-62. T. Abe et al. (International Scoping Study(ISS) for a future neutrino factory and Super-Beam facility), ``Detectors and flux instrumentation for future neutrino facilities", JINST 4:T05001, 2009. Beam halo study with emulsion film (therapeutic 138 MeV proton beam at PSI)