TPG 4140 NTNU Natural Gas Compression Professor Jon Steinar Gudmundsson Department of Petroleum Engineering and Applied Geophysics Norwegian University of Science and Technology Trondheim October 8, 2013
Outline Compression in oil and gas production Types of compressors (piston and centrifugal) Characteristic curves Adiabatic and reversible (=isentropic) compression Real vs. ideal, isentropic head Surge and stonewall Compression in stages (inter-cooling) System curves and parallel/series service
Compression in Oil and Gas Production Recompression in separation train of gas and condensate (same as in oil production). Export compression (from platform to pipeline). Reinjection compression (from platform to subsurface). Various air compressors for control equipment in processing facilities (offshore and onshore). Export compression, from receiving and processing terminal to pipeline. Pressure boosting, onland compression. Gas storage in salt caverns. Subsea compression (now being installed)
A: Recompression, B: Gas Drying, C: Fuel Gas, D: Export Compression, E: Gas Pipeline, F: Injection Compression, G: Injection Well
USA Natural Gas Industry
CO2 Emissions Norway Oil and gas industry 29 %, Cars and trucks 22 %, Industry processes 18 %, Heating 16 %, Boats and ships 9 %, Other sources 6 %
Gas Turbines Offshore Norway 2007
Offshore Gas Turbines The oil and gas industry in 2007 represented 25 % of CO2 emissions in Norway. 70 % is offshore (combustion, diesel and flaring) Requirement for electricity offshore 2007 was 15 TWh (Norway’s total electricity production was then about 125 TWh). In 2007 there were 167 gas turbines on offshore installations amounting to 3000 MW. About 45 % of the power is for electrical equipment. The remaining power is gas turbines for compressors and other equipment. The thermal efficiency of the gas turbines is in the range 30-37 %. Thermal recovery is used in most of the installations, increasing the thermal efficiency to about 40 % Kraft fra land til norsk sokkel (2008), OD o.a.
Simplistic Gas Turbines Working Principles 1-2 Isentropic compression (in a compressor) 2-3 Constant pressure heat addition (in a combustor) 3-4 Isentropic expansion (in a turbine) 4-1 Constant pressure heat rejection
Types of Compressors Reciprocating piston compressors Low flow rate High compression ratio Rotating centrifugal compressors High flow rate Low compression ratio each stage Several stages higher compression ratio
Axial Flow Compressor
Radial Flow Compressor
Centrifugal Compressor
Reciprocating Compressor
Twin Screw Compressor for Subsea
Subsea Compressor
Usage of Compressors
Characteristic Curve
Characteristic Curve
Characteristic Curves Left: Radial, Middel: xxx, Right:Axia A: Centrifugal, B: Axial, C: Piston, D: Screw
Thermodynamic Processes Condition Exponent Adiabatic Isobaric Isothermal Isentropic Polytropic Isometric dq=0 dp=0 dT=0 ds=0 ∑ds=0 dV=0 k=Cp/Cv k=0 k=1 k<n k=∞ Reversible adiabatic process = Isentropic process
Compressor Work A = Suction, B = Compression, C =Delivery, D = Expansion
Piston Compressor
The Carnot Cycle
Adiabatic/Isentropic Process
Adiabatic/Isentropic Compression v [m3/mol], p [Pa=N/m2], W [Nm/mol=J/mol] = Specific work pv=RT, Wm/M [J/mol kg/s mol/kg=J/s=W] = Power
Surge and Stone Wall A: Surge line, B: Stonewall line
Surge Control
Compression in Two Stages Above pressures give minimum power
System Characteristic
Scaling Laws Isentropic Head Example 6000, 7000 and 8000 RPM
Parallel and Series
Hedne (2013)
Summary Recompression, export compression, reinjection compression Reciprocating piston compressors and rotating centrifugal compressors (radial and axial) Characteristic curves P [W] or h [J/kg] vs. q [m3/h] Calculation of compression power (isentropic) Surge (solved by recycle) and stonewall (speed of sound) Compression in stages with intercooling (minimum power when equal power) System curves (the need) and >1 compressor Subsea compression