Gas Supply to the EU – the Role of the Slovak Republic


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Presentation transcript:

Gas Supply to the EU – the Role of the Slovak Republic Peter Dvorák, Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic

History of Gas Transit Through the Slovak Republic 1970 First transmission of the Russian gas to Europe 1970: Launch of international gas transit through the former territory of Czechoslovakia, conclusion of first major transit contracts Eustream pipeline system incorporated in the former Czechoslovak company 2009: First reverse flow to Slovakia (from the Western Europe) 1993: Slovak pipeline system working as a division of the Slovak gas utility SPP after the split of Czechoslovakia 2006: Legal unbundling, transit company established under the name SPP- Preprava 2008: Rebranded to Eustream 2013: Eustream became a fully certified TSO, in compliance with ITO requirements 2014: Commissioning of the gas transmission in the reverse flow to Ukraine (from the Western Europe) 2015: Completion of the SK- HU pipeline Gas Supply to the EU – the Role of the Slovak Republic

Slovak Gas Infrastructure Connecting Key European Markets * Only interruptible capacity ** Capacity partially interruptible Technical capacity 80 bcm/y (East-West flows only) All EU entry/exit cross-border points support physical reverse flow Sizeable transported volume Five/four parallel pipelines 56’’/48’’ (2,273 km in Slovakia) Cross-border connections with Ukraine, the Czech Republic, Austria and Hungary Four compressor stations (Power output ~ 550 MW) All infrastructure is fully owned Gas Supply to the EU – the Role of the Slovak Republic

Trans-Balkan Pipeline SK transmission system is a key player in European gas transmission Critical gas transmission infrastructure to supply Central, Southern Europe and Ukraine Largest exporter of Russion gas into the western Europe Nord Stream 2 Nord Stream (55 bcm/y // 44 bcm/y) Yamal (33 bcm/y // 30 bcm/y) Capacity of transmission through the Slovak Republic East – West 80.3 bcm/y West – East 14.6 bcm/y North – South 24.5 bcm/y Brotherhood Veľké Kapušany (80 bcm/y // 48 bcm/y) Trans-Balkan Pipeline (25 bcm/y // 18 bcm/y ) (16 bcm/y // 15.5 bcm/y) Blue Stream Turkish Stream Gas Supply to the EU – the Role of the Slovak Republic

Ukrainian gas corridor 72 bcm of spare capacity and diversified supply routes 13 bcm is a missing transit capacity Gas Supply to the EU – the Role of the Slovak Republic

the most growing gas market in Europe Project Eastring Western Europe Major offtake Eastring Turkey the most growing gas market in Europe Gas Supply to the EU – the Role of the Slovak Republic

Slovak – Polish Gas Interconnector CS1 Veľké Kapušany (SK) – Strachocina (PL) Length: 164 km (106 km at SK side) Diameter: DN 1,000 mm Compression power : 32 MW (16 MW at SK side) Flow: Bi-directional Technical capacity: 4.7 bcm (to SK), 5.7 bcm (to PL) Total CAPEX: EUR 437.1 mil.* (current estimate EUR 138.1 mil. at SK side) * Official CAPEX from CEF grant application. CAPEX at PL side covers also required upgrades and adjustments of the existing system Important Milestones: Final Observation Conclusions of the EIA January 2016 Zoning Decision April 2017 Building Permits November 2018 Commissioning into commercial operation January 2021 Gas Supply to the EU – the Role of the Slovak Republic

Thank you for your attention! Спасибо за внимание! Peter Dvorák, Gas Supply to the EU – the Role of the Slovak Republic