Land Battles Ms. Campbell Socials 11
Second Battle of Ypres The Canadian Expeditionary Force arrived in France February 1915 and began fighting on the Western Front One of the first major trench battles for Canadians came at the Second Battle of Ypres in Belgium
Second Battle of Ypres
Second Battle of Ypres On April 22, 1915 French and Canadian troops were blinded, burned, or killed when the Germans used chlorine gas This had been outlawed by an international agreement in 1907
What do you think would be your first reaction to a gas attack? Second Battle of Ypres “[We noticed] a strange new smell… A queer brownish-yellow haze was blowing in from the north. Our eyes smarted. Breathing became unpleasant and throats raw… Some fell and choked, and writhed and frothed on the ground… It was the gas.” What do you think would be your first reaction to a gas attack?
Second Battle of Ypres The battle continued for one month but neither side gained much ground and more than 6,000 Canadians were killed, wounded, or captured One of the doctors was Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae and after the battle he wrote the poem “In Flanders Fields”
Battle of the Somme In July 1916 the Triple Entente launched a massive attack (The Battle of the Somme) trying to end trench warfare; however, this attack failed The German line had been shelled for days but the defences and barbed wire were not destroyed Marching across open fields was useless The attack continued even after heavy losses on the first day of battle
Battle of the Somme The Somme was the first battle to use tanks and after five months the battle was over
Battle of the Somme The Triple Entente (The “Allies”) captured only 13 kilometers at a cost of more than 1.25 million casualties – and almost 24,000 Canadians The Newfoundland Regiment lost about 90% of its men and every officer was either killed or wounded Shell Shock was very common The stress of war
The Battle at Vimy Ridge In late 1916 Canadian troops were chosen to lead an assault on Vimy Ridge – a place the French and British had been trying to capture for two years The attack was planned by Lieutenant-General Julian Byng, a British officer On April 9, 1917 Canadians began their attack By April 12, 1917 they had captured the German position
The Battle at Vimy Ridge Vimy Ridge was the first time Canadian divisions had attacked together The Success was a source of national pride Canadians got a reputation of being an elite fighting force Lieutenant-General Arthur Currie replaces General Byng as commander of Canadian forces
The Battle at Vimy Ridge
Battle of Passchendaele In October 1917 the Canadians were asked to break through German lines and capture Passchendaele in Belgium General Currie warned that casualties would be high but he was overruled “Victory” resulted in more than 200,000 casualties on each side and 16,000 Canadians The Allies gained 7 or 8 kilometers that were quickly recaptured by the Germans
Battle of Passchendaele At Passchendaele the mud was a huge challenge for troops
Other Battles The Battle of Verdun The Gallipoli Campaign A defining battle High levels of psychological damage for French troops The Gallipoli Campaign
World War One Final Project Your job is to choose, research, and present your findings about one of the key land battles for Canadian troops during World War One. You may do this by creating a poster, a newspaper, a comic strip, or a film. Your assignment will be marked on: Content Research Presentation You may choose: The Second Battle of Ypres, The Battle of the Somme, The Battle at Vimy Ridge, or The Battle of Passchendaele You may work by yourself, or in groups of NO MORE than three people. Your final project will be due in class on Thursday April 28.