Belgian Presidency of the European Union 2010: The International Year of Biodiversity and the Belgian EU Presidency
Overview European Multilateral Possible Communication on the Post 2010 Strategy/Action Plan on Biodiversity Multilateral ABS 9bis, 10-16/7 UNGA HLS Biodiversity 22/9 CBD COP10, 18 – 29/10
1. EU level – EU Biodiv Strategy Council conclusions 15/03/2010 - EU 2050 vision, 2020 mission Preparation of framework for EU Biodiv Strategy post 2010: - Focussed targets (esp. on drivers of biodiv loss) - Integration in internal/external sectoral policies - Baseline + indicators, measures and means - Coherence with outcome COP 10 Process: consultations ongoing communication with outline: Dec 2010
2. Multi: Access and Benefit Sharing More ‘socio-economic’ objective of CBD (art. 15-8j), strong North-South dimension (access vs. BS), much interaction with other sectors/processes (trade, research, health, IPRs, food and agriculture, etc.) Developing countries' call in WSSD Final phase of negotiations of a Protocol to the CBD under Belgian Presidency: WG ABS9bis + COP10 Negotiating Mandate of the EC ends after ABS9bis Belgian Presidency ready to take responsibility to ensure constructive role for EU, together with EC Results on ABS will shape outcome of COP10 and future of CBD
2. Multi: UNGA HLS Heads of States + Ministers of Environment in Sustainable Development setting, back-to-back with MDG review no decisions but political momentum use HLS to lift out key issues, in particular ABS Synergies between Rio Conventions (message towards CBD and UNFCCC COPs) Link MDGS, poverty Strategic Plan, and specifically the post 2010 biodiversity target beyond the CBD Possibly IPBES
2. Multi: CBD COP10 - Nagoya Over 30 substantial topics on Agenda, touching 3 CBD objectives: conservation, sustainable use, ABS Key political issues: ABS Strategic Plan + global post 2010 target Synergies Rio Conventions Protected Areas Marine Biodiversity Resource Mobilization Belgium responsible for EU coordination and functioning, chair EU, and negotiatoins on behalf of EU on most items
Objectives of the Belgian Presidency To ensure strong and coherent EU participation in the CBD meetings and the UNGA HLS, To ensure constructive interaction with other regional groups, and To ensure that the EU contributes to an important step forward of the global biodiversity agenda from policy setting to implementation
Challenges for Belgian EU Presidency Perception of EU as quite rigid on key issues Need to increase communication/outreach, in particular on ABS + Resource Mobilization, both internal EU and global Internal EU unrest due to confusion around external rep. after entry into force Lisbon Treaty Synergies Rio conventions vs IEG and Rio+20 Package deal Strategic Plan, ABS, Resources EU coordination (WPIEI + on the spot) Council Conclusions on key issues: 14/10 – preparation for COP, Dec – follow-up of COP