Egypt Part 2
Religion Continued
Religion Continued Egyptians believed in life after death According to their beliefs if you led a good life could go to the afterlife after being judged by the court of Osiris. The gods watched over the people. Human souls were made up of six parts 1) IB (heart) 2) Sheut (shadow) 3) Ren (name) 4) Ba (personality) 5) Ka (vital spark) 6) Akh (intellect)
Human Soul Part 1 Ib (heart): To ancient Egyptians, the heart was the seat of emotion, thought, will and intention Sheut(shadow) A person's shadow or silhouette, Sheut (šwt in Egyptian), is always present. Because of this, Egyptians surmised that a shadow contains something of the person it represents. As a part of the soul, a person's ren (name) was given to them at birth and the Egyptians believed that they would live for as long as that name was spoken, which explains why efforts were made to protect it and the practice of placing it in numerous writings. A cartouche (magical rope) often was used to surround the name and protect it.
Human Soul part 2 The ba was everything that makes an individual unique, similar to the notion of 'personality The ka was the Egyptian concept of vital essence, that which distinguishes the difference between a living and a dead person: we call it the soul the soul had to avoid a variety of supernatural dangers in the Duat, before undergoing a final judgment known as the "Weighing of the Heart". In this judgment, the gods compared the actions of the deceased while alive (symbolized by the heart) to Ma'at, to determine whether he or she had behaved in accordance with Ma'at. If the deceased was judged worthy, his or her ka and ba were united into an akh
Funeral rites The Egyptians took good care of their deceased to ensure journey into the afterlife They used mummification and placed bodies in sarcophaguses Since the soul needed belongings and food this was also buried with their dead Wikipedia used as a source for the parts of the soul
Writing Hieroglyphics appeared in Egypt in the 4th millennium’ It is made up of hundreds of signs that represent sounds, ideas and objects. Over time it became 2 different scripts: the hieratic and demotic scripts These scripts were more practical Over time they started to write on papyrus instead of stone
Trade and Communication Egypt did not spread their culture but they borrowed from many Merchants brought ideas to Egypt From Mesopotamia they imported writing, mathematics, wheeled chariots and bronze
Knowledge Math: invented decimal system and the ability to calculate volume of a cylinder or pyramid Medicine: treating illness, fractures, basic surgery Astronomy: they figured the solar cycle, the 12 month year and its length of 365 days Architecture: Construction of pyramids, palaces and temples.