Gestation This presentation is from Virginia Tech and has not been edited by Georgia Curriculum Office. The act or process of having young develop in the uterus; pregnancy Simplified The period of pregnancy
Gestation Length Cattle: 270 days-289 days Average: 279 days approximately 9 months
Gestation Length Horses: 305 days-380 days 335 average approximately 11 months <320 days = premature <300 days = nonviable (usually)
Gestation Length Sheep: 145 days - 150 days average 147 days approximately 5 months
Factors Affecting Gestation Length Breed Season Sex of embryo Number of fetuses Nutrition
Early Gestation Feed to maintain BCS of 5 or 6 Same as maintenance
Mid Gestation Nutrient Requirements similar to Early Gestation. Watch Carefully!!
Late Gestation Maintain BCS 60% fetal weight gain Protein, Mineral, Vitamin requirements increase.