Overview of the Programme Achievements of previous period 7-8 September 2016, St. Petersburg
ESTLATRUS achievements
ESTLATRUS achievements
ESTLATRUS Estonia-Russia Continuation of cooperation Some facts from previous period Introduction of new Programme
Applications – submitted and awarded in ESTLATRUS
1st experience in EU-RU projects
Achievement of planned results in projects
Project Partners plan to continue cooperation with…
Estonia-Russia Cross Border Co-operation Programme 2014-2020
Estonia-Russia CBC Programme 1st Call for Proposals planned to be opened in last quarter of 2016 Available amount of funds ~ 10 000 000 EUR Partners are welcome form Kirde-Eesti, Lõuna-Eesti, Kesk-Eesti, St. Petersburg, Leningrad and Pskov regions
Eligible partners National, regional and local public authorities; Associations that are formed by regional or local authorities; Public equivalent bodies, which are financed by national, regional, or local authorities; Other bodies that are governed by public legal acts, (e.g., municipal and national enterprises, trade unions, medical institutions, museums, etc.) Associations that are formed by bodies which are governed by public legal acts NGOs and other non-profit-making bodies Educational organisations Small or medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) (only within Priority 1)
Indicative list of supported actions I Cooperation between science parks, educational institutions, industrial parks, SMEs and public sector institutions (triple-helix cooperation) in order to foster innovation and modernisation; The development of cross-border business contacts and services-products (contact-meetings, fairs, and joint product development and marketing, including local/regional tourism products and services such as tourism routes); Support for the development of the creative industry and cultural tourism; Educational programmes for launching start-ups;
Indicative list of supported actions II Support services and infrastructure such as industrial parks, incubators, and clusters; Local/regional tourism objects and routes; Promoting entrepreneurship (start-ups or enterprise schools) In tourism development, the focus should remain on local/regional tourism services, products, and destinations in order to increase the attractiveness of border areas.
Indicative list of supported actions III An increasing readiness to eliminate pollution in the Baltic Sea and Lake Peipsi/Chudsko-Pskovskoe (in relation to equipment, joint activities, and reaction); Educational projects that are related to energy; Joint actions for improving rescue fire services and protecting forests:
Indicative list of supported actions IV Reconstruction of waste water treatment plants; Increasing awareness in environmental protection; Joint actions to ensure the sustainability of the fishing industry; The design, construction, and reconstruction of solid waste recycling plants; The design, construction, and reconstruction of safe storage locations for solid household and industrial waste.
Indicative list of supported actions V Education - cooperation between (vocational) schools in fields such as teaching methodology (including Russian language), and the development of curricula; Health - active life and recreation, rehabilitation; Social - youth services, employment, HIV/AIDS prevention
Indicative list of supported actions VI Cooperation of local and regional communities in the following fields: Culture – the preservation and promotion of cultural and historical heritage on a municipal level; Sport – an exchange of know-how and contacts Cooperation between local/regional administrations and their sub-units in order to increase change experience in various fields such as e-services and joint planning
Support instrument Web page www.estoniarussia.eu News Registration for events Legal framework Documents Partner Search Frequently asked questions Contacts
Nearest events ECDay Launching event 1st Call for Proposals 17 September in Tartu, Estonia 5 October in St. Petersburg, Russia Launching event 21-22 November 2016, Tartu, Estonia 1st Call for Proposals in last quarter of 2016 1st Call for proposal information seminars - end of the year 2016, beginning of the year 2017 More info www.estoniarussia.eu
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