BERRYNARBOR SCHOOL NEWSLETTER February 2017 NEWS IMPORTANT POINTS Sainsbury vouchers We are collecting Sainsbury’s Fit Kid vouchers again this year. The collection box is in the office. Blueberry performance “Time Lord” at the Manor Hall Wednesday 22nd February 2.00 p.m. and 6.00 p.m. Mosaics Do you have any unwanted ceramic tiles or crockery that could be donated to Blueberry Class. As part of their topic on the Romans they are going to be making mosaics. Do you know of any one who makes mosaics and might be able to help out? If so could you let Mrs. Jones know please. Magical Maths This was a great time when parents enjoyed a morning of maths with the children. Here are some comments from parents. “Good to see children having fun doing maths.” “Brilliant. Lovely to see all the different ways to learn.” “Maths isn’t something to be afraid of!” School Gates Running Group Led by a qualified leader or coach. Babies and toddlers are welcome over 6 months old and in a suitable running buggy. Join in a gentle, social jog with other mums to build your strength, confidence and agility. All abilities welcome. Call Emily 07565520132. Starts Monday 27th February 9.00 a.m. at the front of school by reception. IMPORTANT POINTS After School Club and Dinner Money As we are nearing the financial year end, please could outstanding amounts be settled as soon as possible. Thank you. Start of School Day Just a reminder that the school gate opens at 8.40 a.m. All children should then go down to the playground, taking their belongings with them. The teacher on duty will send them to their classrooms at the appropriate time. After School & Breakfast Club Please remember to complete new booking forms for the new term. Copies are available from the school office. Social Media Protecting your child online. Have you heard of YouTube Kids? It is very easy to access inappropriate content whilst viewing You Tube. Consider downloading and installing YouTube for Kids, it gives your family an easy way to watch favourite programmes and explore. It’s free, simple to use and full of family friendly videos. You might also find the following a useful resource. There is a video for parents from Commonsense Media – 5Ways to make YouTube Safer for Kids Accompanying letter with further tips and information is being sent out with this Newsletter. We hope you find it helpful. Music Lessons There are spaces for anyone wanting to learn the violin. If your child wishes to learn another instrument please speak to Mrs Barrow. DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Friday 10th Feb Last day at School Monday 20th Feb Back to School Wednesday 22nd Feb Blueberry performance Friday 31st March Last day of Term Tuesday 18th April Back to School Monday 1st May Bank Holiday Weds 24th May Open Classrooms Friday 26th May Last Day at School Monday 5th June Back to School Wed 14th – 16th June London Trip Friday 23rd June Sports Day 12th -14th July Beam House Thursday 13th July Yr 5 & 6 Production Tuesday 25th July Last day of Term Traffic - When dropping off and picking your child up, please be mindful of where you park and consider children’s safety. We have a free car park near the shop. Just one change to the spring term menu. Week One Choice 1 will be roast pork (replacing turkey). Children are always welcome to try new meals. E-SAFETY It is important to keep track of what children are accessing online. From now on, if we become aware of your child accessing inappropriate online content we’ll let you know and offer advice to help keep your child safe.