GROUP ADVISING Information for Juniors (60-89 credits) Spring 2017
To Do List prior to Group Advising: Update your four-year plan Check Degree Works for Accuracy and Major Requirements Check URSA account for ‘Holds” and registration date ‘Holds’ prohibit registration Check for transfer credit accuracy
How do I sign up for Group Advising? Sign up for Group Advising using sign-up genius at Update Graduation Requirement Form prior to Advising Review your academic progress on Degree Works for accuracy Watch the Junior Power Point presentation prior to Advising Please be prompt to your appointment slot
Course Information: Click on the CRN number for specific course prerequisites and information PTEP program requires a ‘B’ or better in ENG 122 or ENG 123 TESL 380 Prerequisites: TESL 350 for ESL Endorsement or TESL 370 for Language Arts concentration. SCED 475: Click on the CRN # to select the correct, linked Lab
Art and Music Concentrations Art Concentration: Contact an Advisor in the Visual Arts Department regarding classes Music Concentration: MUS prefix courses are for music majors Email the professors with requests to take their class as and Elementary Education student with a music concentration.
GPA Is Very Important! 3.0 cumulative GPA is a prerequisite for the following courses: EDEL 445/446 Literacy Block EDEL 450 Math and Social Studies Methods EDEL 454 Student Teaching Consider Grade Replacement if necessary
Grade Replacement is the Best Way to Raise Your GPA Grade Replacement form must be completed and turned into Registrar’s Office prior to the semester’s drop deadline. Grade Replacement form can be found on the Registrar’s website at: Contact Financial Aid regarding guidelines Grade Replacement may affect Financial Aid and does affect COF Stipend.
ESL ENDORSEMENT INFORMATION: ESL Concentration requires: Documentation of foreign language background Contact: Student Teaching must be in an ESL-based school
Literacy Practicum Literacy Practicum: typically the semester prior to student teaching, for more information visit: Weekly schedule will be: Two days on campus taking your methods courses (MW or TR): EDEL 450: Social Studies and Math methods EDEL 421: Mathematics Practicum SCED 475: Science Methods EDEL 445: intermediate literacy methods EDEL 446: Literacy Practicum-two full days (opposite days of methods classes) in an elementary school with an elementary teacher (mentor)
Please Note: The following courses must be completed prior to final student teaching: EDEL 454 -EDEL 350 ART 444 -EDEL 450-’B’ or better MUS 305 -EDEL 445- ‘B’ or better SES 403 -EDF 370 ET 247 & ET 347 -EDSE 430 PSY 347 -TESL 370 or 400 SCED 475 -EDEL 303 EDEL 446
Juniors Sign Up for Your Group Advising Session All Juniors must sign up for a Group Advising Session by going to: Students Registered for EDFE 120: Individual appointments combined with unofficial grad-check Sign-up for a 15 Min. appointment at Please be prompt! Watch the Junior Power Point prior to your appointment
EDFE 120 Registration: Semester prior to the Literacy Practicum EDEL 445/446 Select the section that list Dr. Charles Warren as the Instructor Complete the request for Placement Survey (resume, Cooperating Teacher Letter) Must have completed or currently enrolled in EDEL 350 Register for EDFE 120 even if you do not presently have the required GPA (3.0), but anticipate you might
PLACE OR PRAXIS See PRAXIS II on ELED website PLACE/PRAXIS Brochures in ELED Office or in Forms on ELED Website Take one year prior to student teaching Practice/Review material available online at, at bookstores, or in the ELED Library located in McKee 216 Print scores immediately: score availability will expire PRAXIS or PLACE passing score required for student teaching Scores are due on Sept. 10 for Spring and February 10 for Fall
PLACE OR PRAXIS Register for the PRAXIS Test Licensure accepted in 43 states and Guam Select the correct test Approximate cost $180 Elementary Education: Multiple Subjects Must select Colorado as the state, to avoid registering for the wrong test Select a test location – several in Northern Colorado Computer delivered test Study materials are available in the STE Office – McKee 216 See Denise
Interim Registration: Registration for Interim begins on October 3rd No PIN required Please check with Financial Aid regarding funding if applicable
COMMUNITY COLLEGE COURSES View the Community College Guaranteed Transfer Agreement form available on the ELED website or in the ELED office. It can also be found on the Registrar’s home page at: ticulation.html Grade of “C” or higher transfers to UNC Transfer credits have no affect on your UNC GPA All Transcripts should be sent to the Registrar’s Office
Elementary Advisors are located in McKee 216 Jaime Donahue 970-351-1602 Beth Fisher 970-351-4287 *Advisors are located in McKee 2016 and appointments can be made by calling Denise in the STE Office at: 970-351-2908