Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m.- 6:30 p.m. CST Email: Phone: 866-883-READ (7323) EXT: 2 Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m.- 6:30 p.m. CST YISD Elementary - J.Solis
YISD Elementary - J.Solis ISIP Early Reading REVIEW DIFFERENT PRODUCTS - YISD Elementary - J.Solis
Teacher Directed Lessons-Early Reading 600+ Teacher Directed Lessons for Early Reading Grades PreK – 3 Suitable for all tiers 100% scripted lessons Cycle and skill based lessons in reading and writing YISD Elementary - J.Solis
YISD Elementary - J.Solis ISIP Advanced Reading YISD Elementary - J.Solis
Teacher Directed Lessons-Advanced 720+ Teacher Directed Lessons for Advanced Reading Grades 4 - 8 Suitable for all tiers 100% scripted lessons For individual and small group use YISD Elementary - J.Solis
YISD Elementary - J.Solis ISIP Español- Reading YISD Elementary - J.Solis
Teacher Directed Lessons-Spanish 150+ Teacher Directed Lessons for Spanish students Grades PreK - 3 Suitable for all tiers 100% scripted lessons Skill based lessons for each domain YISD Elementary - J.Solis
YISD Elementary - J.Solis Goal: Goals for Istation is our students to strive for Tier 1 YISD Elementary - J.Solis
YISD Elementary - J.Solis Tier 1 Students will access Istation atleast once monthly Tier 2 Students will continue to assess each month Use the computer portion of Istation 2 times per week (30 minute sessions) Have face-to-face intervention 2 times per week Review tiers and how they Tier 3 Students will continue to assess each month Use the computer portion of Istation 2 or more times per week (30 minute sessions) Have face-to-face intervention 3 times per week YISD Elementary - J.Solis
Advanced Reading Tier Movement Our district results for last year – Our goal is to eradicate tier 3 decrease Tier 2 and increase Tier 1 2014-2015 Ysleta ISD YISD Elementary - J.Solis
YISD Elementary - J.Solis INSERT A SLIDE WITH YOUR CAMPUS ISIP SUMMARY – YOU MAY WANT TO EDIT THE REPORT TO SHOW RESULTS THROUGH MAY do not use this slide if your school did not use Istation with fidelity 2014-2015 YISD Elementary - J.Solis
YISD Elementary - J.Solis Report Tab YISD Elementary - J.Solis
YISD Elementary - J.Solis Summary Report Suggested Uses for Instructional Purposes: · Identify skills that need emphasis in the classroom. · Identify students in need of additional support. · Group students for targeted instruction. · Help teachers determine which skills need to be retaught in whole-group or small-group instruction. If the majority of the class shows a weakness in vocabulary, for example, then this could be retaught for the whole group with some high/ low student pairings for independent practice. If there is a minority of students showing a weakness in vocabulary, then this could be addressed in small group using Teacher-Directed Lessons from Istation or another district-provided resource. Frequency of review: Monthly or after most recent assessment YISD Elementary - J.Solis
YISD Elementary - J.Solis Priority Reports Select students for small group instruction and obtain teacher directed lessons and materials. Document interventions provided. Discuss student performance with administrators or intervention team. Frequency of review: Weekly or as needed to plan and document interventions YISD Elementary - J.Solis
STUDENT SUMMARY HANDOUTS Suggested Uses for Instructional Purposes: Evaluate the student’s intervention plan. Identify student’s skill weaknesses. Discuss student’s performance with administrators and intervention teams. Print to use and plan for parent/teacher conferences. Frequency of Review: After every assessment As needed to evaluate student progress YISD Elementary - J.Solis
YISD Elementary - J.Solis Teacher Tool Box YISD Elementary - J.Solis
Teacher Toolbox-Instructional Tier Goals Chart Instructional Tier Goals Charts Skill goals and expectations become progressively more difficult by month and grade level. Estimated ability level indices are used from each subtest to determine a student's overall estimated reading ability index. ISIP Tier Goals help identify Overall Student Ability and potential growth. The tabs at the top of the chart provide ability indices for individual subtests. Charts differ by product: ISIP™ Early Reading, ISIP™ Advanced Reading, ISIP™ Español, and ISIP™ Math. Students are placed into instructional tiers based on ability indices. Description of Instructional Tiers: Tier 1: Students performing at grade level Tier 2: Students performing moderately below grade level and in need of intervention Tier 3: Students performing seriously below grade level and in need of intensive intervention Suggestions for Instructional Purposes: Set measurable goals. Motivate students toward growth. Monitor student growth. YISD Elementary - J.Solis
YISD Elementary - J.Solis It is necessary to be logged into the Reports and Management Web site to view this. For instructions on logging in, click here. To view the Reading Correlation Chart, select the Learn More button on the Toolbox Menu. After selecting Reading Correlation Chart from the Toolbox Menu, select the Español to view the Spanish correlations. YISD Elementary - J.Solis
Istation works! Correlations to STAAR results YISD Elementary - J.Solis
Web-Based Available in Android and Apple Devices Very important to mention to parent/teacher conferences YISD Elementary - J.Solis
YISD Elementary - J.Solis Reports Logging into the Istation website requires a login and a password You will be asked to set your location or “domain” upon the first attempt at logging in Upon your first login, you will be asked to re-set your password After students test, your data will be immediately accessible The availability of your Istation data is immediate The website, its resources, and all of your student data is accessible 24/7 via the Istation website YISD Elementary - J.Solis
Training Center Free Webinars Available Additional Informational Webinars are available YISD Elementary - J.Solis
Please contact Istation support services at : 1-866-883-7323 Choose option 2 for support, then 7 Contact Customer Support If you need further assistance, please contact Support Services by e-mail ( or by phone (866-883-7323 ext. 2) Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Central Time. YISD Elementary - J.Solis