Journal Shakespearean Insults Agenda 1/20/16 Journal Shakespearean Insults
Journal 1/20/16 Would you want to know your future? Why or why not? ½ page minimum! Use full sentences.
Shakespearean Insults Objective:To feel more comfortable with Shakespeare's language AND work with Elizabethan sentence structure By the end of the lesson you will have: 1 Explored Shakespearean language by constructing insults 2 Given detailed explanations of why unfamiliar words are used and the effects it has on the reader. 3 Precisely analysed the use of unusual words and explained the overall effects on the reader. commented on unusual words and shown understanding of their effect on the reader Did you know? Shakespeare’s audience referred to going to hear a play rather than see it, emphasising that the Elizabethan theatre was an aural rather than visual experience.
Introducing Shakespeare Greetings from me, The Bard, England’s greatest poet and storyteller. You thought I was just the greatest writer? I am also the rudest man in England! Elizabethan English is a wonderfully colorful language full of numerous evocative words and phrases. Elizabethans took a delight with language and it is fitting, then, that this would filter into the art of mudslinging. Their mastery of language was often showcased in the clever weaving together of terms to form stinging phrases of wit. Remember this was a time when the average person did not read, and other forms of entertainment were not readily available, but good conversation acted as a substitute.
How many of the 62 Insults can you write down How many of the 62 Insults can you write down? How do we know these are insults?
TREASURE HUNT So you think you know a foul word or two? Well, you’re not even close. Around the room are some hideous insults. Can thou find and translate them? Divide the class into two lines (like an alley) explain that one side will throw insults while the other side will listen. Then reverse.
“Thou ruttish, doghearted foot licker” TASK Use the Shakespeare Insult Sheet Create/Define 3 insults! Combine one word or phrase from each columns and add “Thou” to the beginning. Find the meaning here: Please use carefully, thou pribbling, clapper clawed harpy! Make certain thou knowest the meaning of thy strong words, and thou shalt have the perfect insult to fling at the wretched fools of the opposing family. Let thyself go. Mix and match to find that perfect combination!
Insult Alley! Divide the class into two lines (like an alley) explain that one side will throw insults while the other side will listen. Then reverse.
Insult Alley Recap Under your insults and insult meanings, describe the words you heard and what you think the meanings were. Did the tone and/or facial expression used by the person help you understand the meaning?