Janet Lees Spring 2016 Tune: Theodoric (R and S 274) Song for Pilots Janet Lees Spring 2016 Tune: Theodoric (R and S 274)
Children saved ship half pennies to buy the ‘John Williams’ missionary ships; not just one but seven
Pilot badge – round for the world, sea us rough, boat if for ‘John Williams’ but also for Jesus’ disciples who were fishermen who had a boat and all the stories that link Jesus to boats; fish symbol is an old symbol for Christians, mast is a cross, central to our faith, keeps us stable.
This a lego version of the Pilot badge from Yorkshire Synod Office.
Song for PILOTS – tune Theodoric (R and S 274) Verse 1 On the sea was a boat, ‘John Williams’ was a float Children gave money saved Not one ship but seven World so round, round, round Sea so rough, rough, rough. P-I-L-O-T-S We are here to praise God
Verse 2 On our badge is the sea Sea can calm or rough be Crashing waves, Jesus saves Those who trust and love him, Those who trust and love him Badge so round, round, round Sea so rough, rough, rough. P-I-L-O-T-S We are here to love God
Verse 3 On the sea in a boat, Jesus’ friends all afloat. Some asleep, some in deep Learning how to serve God Badge so round, round, round Sea so rough, rough, rough. P-I-L-O-T-S We are here to serve God
Verse 4 In the boat is a cross Like a mast, but a cross Keeps us stable, we are able All to follow Jesus Badge so round, round, round Sea so rough, rough, rough. P-I-L-O-T-S We are here to love God
Verse 5 In the world where we live We are still called to give 80 years, give our cheers We have come to praise God World so round, round, round Sea so rough, rough, rough. P-I-L-O-T-S We are here to praise God Copyright Janet Lees
Actions! You can do the following actions in the chorus: ‘World/badge so round’…. Make a round shape with your hands ‘Sea so rough’… make a wavy/rough line for the sea with one hand ‘PILOTS’ – cup your hands up to your mouth whilst you spell PILOTS.