101 New London Road Newark, Delaware PUBLIC MEETING 101 New London Road Newark, Delaware March 22, 2017
National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 Established the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Established State Historic Preservation Officer/ Tribal Historic Preservation Officers in each state/territory Undertakes statewide historic preservation planning and survey Nominates properties to the National Register of Historic Places Reviews and comments on Federal, State, and local undertakings Assists local governments with preservation programs and certifications
Section 106 of the NHPA If a project involves a federal agency, is using federal funds, or is being completed on federal land, the lead federal agency must determine if their undertaking will have an adverse effect on historic properties Historic property= Defined as a building, structure, site, object, or historic district that is eligible for the National Register of Historic Places
Section 106 is: A framework for problem solving; Grounded in consultation; Provides stakeholders access to Federal decision making; Results range from full preservation to total loss of historic properties
4 Steps for Completing the Section 106 Process: Initiate the Process Invite Consulting Parties to Participate in the Process Determine Area of Potential Effects (APE) Identify Historic Properties Identification of Resources Evaluation of Resources to determine “historic properties” Assess Adverse Effects Resolve Adverse Effects
Area of Potential Effects (APE) APE: “The geographic area or areas within which an undertaking may cause changes in the character or use of historic properties, if any such properties exist.” Includes both direct and indirect impacts Direct= Physical impacts Indirect= Visual or other non-tangible impacts (can affect a resource’s setting and feeling)
APE for Project First, conducted a background review to identify previously recorded properties Second, performed a vehicular and pedestrian reconnaissance to note viewsheds Third, coordinated with HUD and the DE SHPO to get feedback on the APE Fourth, put together rough preliminary map based on this dialogue for your feedback
Proposed 101 New London Road APE (Direct and Indirect)
New London Road Historic District Recorded in 1998 43 Buildings, Mostly Dwellings (1860s-1930s) Eligible for the National Register of Historic Places under Criterion A for its association with African-American history and settlement in Newark 101 New London Road- Contributing Element
New London Road Historic District As outlined by Bradley Skelcher’s research, Urban African American Communities were often segregated by custom or regulation. Normally contained a church, school, and multiple residential buildings. Also often contained a commercial building, cemetery, and a community organization. Property ownership and tenancy predominately African American
APE, Evaluation Studies, and Project Effect Present recommended APE to DE SHPO Complete archaeological reconnaissance study of 101 New London Street Assure all architectural properties over 40 years in age in APE have been identified and evaluated Determine project effects on historic properties
MOA & Mitigation of Adverse Effect Should it be determined that the project will have an adverse effect on historic properties, author a Memorandum of Agreement outlining steps required to mitigate adverse effect Complete mitigation tasks. Could include (among others): National Register nomination of New London District, interpretive signage, public talk on the history of the area, etc.
Dissemination of Information Information on these steps will be disseminated to interested parties as requested CONTACT INFO: HUD= Monica Hawkins & Ivan Chavez monica.a.hawkins@hud.gov / ivan.a.chavez@hud.gov (215) 861-7593 NHA= Marene Jordan MJordan@newarkhousingauthority.net (302) 366-0826 Dovetail= Kerri Barile & Brad Hatch kbarile@dovetailcrg.com / bhatch@dovetailcrg.com (540) 899-9170