Sabrina Handke & Jennifer Gatz January 19th, 2009 Interwrite Training Sabrina Handke & Jennifer Gatz January 19th, 2009
Getting Started Make sure your dongle (Bluetooth device that allows your computer to talk to your tablet wirelessly.) is plugged into the USB port. Top one on the back of your laptop. It must be blinking in order for it to work. Turn on your Interwrite tablet. (The switch on the back pushed to the right or the line)
Connecting Your Tablet The device manager is the software utility that is used to connect your computer to your Interwrite SchoolPad. To open the device manager, click the in the lower right of your screen, then Device Manager. Device manager is in the system tray in the lower right hand corner. The Bluetooth icon has to be blue and white instead of Blue with red to be sure that the Bluetooth device is working properly.
Connecting to the Tablet Go to options then click on discover devices. The green check mark means you are connected. The red x means you are disconnected. You should hear your low-to-high tones.
Sleep Mode Your pad will automatically go to sleep when not in use for 10 minutes to conserve power. You will hear warning tones, then the high-to-low tone disconnect sequence. Touch your pen to the connect dimple to wake the pad back up. You will hear the connect sequence. You can choose to power down by touching your pen to the power dimple. Turn the pad back on the same way.
Using the Pen Watch the board, not the pad. Pen will “hover” over the board to move Make sure the pen is placed in the board when charging. It also charges the pen. To left click, just tap your pad. To double click, do a double tap. To right click, press the end closest to the top (“eraser” end). Pressing the end closer to the tip is like a normal left click.
The Tablet
General Uses of the Interwrite Teach from Anywhere! Freedom to move about the classroom and engage students while you are teaching . Allows for remote operation of your laptop from anywhere in the room. Allows you to focus student attention to particular content using appropriate workspace tools Enabling students to participate from their seats Students can participate and interact with the any content on the computer from their seats with the Interwrite tablet . Sabrina - Allows for remote operation of laptop from anywhere in room. Focus student attention to particular content. Use InterWrite to annotate over your current applications, such as PowerPoint, Word, websites, etc. Create own lessons using Stamps or image gallery. - Students can annotate over any programs. PDFs, Microsoft Office Suite of products, Internet resources, videos etc. Anything you can project on your computer.
Your Turn… Things to practice: Let’s try using the pen as a mouse. Getting used to to hovering and using the pen takes practice. Remember, watch the computer screen instead of the tablet. Things to practice: Open a document you created Open Internet Explorer Try double clicking on a program Sabrina
Interactive Mode Interactive Mode is the primary operational mode of Interwrite Workspace. In this mode you can use the pen to write notes, draw things, and type text (Annotation Mode) on any document or screen. You can use the tablet as a mouse (Mouse Mode) to run applications and open files. When you’re in Workspace mode you will have the Workspace tools pop up and float on top of any application. Jennifer-You don’t have to have anything open or turned on other than the board, your projector and your computer to use the board as a mouse. Open Interwrite Workspace Mode Now
Office Mode Office Mode allows you to interact directly with Microsoft Office applications; PowerPoint, Word and Excel. Instead of annotating over a screen capture of a PowerPoint slide, a page in a Word document, or an Excel spreadsheet, you can use Office Mode to add your annotations directly to the slide, document, or spreadsheet. The annotations become part of the application file, rather than being saved as a page in a Workspace file. This mode changes the page, slide or spreadsheet permanently after you save it. Whiteboard Mode – Doesn’t apply to us since we don’t have Interwrite Whiteboards. Jennifer
Starting Workspace To open Interwrite Workspace either click on the Interwrite icon On your desktop or go to the start menu: All Programs Interwrite Learning Interacive Workspace Then Interactive Mode From this point you can... Open an existing Workspace file (.gwb) , Create your own workspace document. Annotate on top of a website, Word document, Powerpoint or any document you can open from your computer Jennifer
Workspace Preferences Click on the Interwrite Menu options button on the tool bar Then go to Preferences From this menu you can: Change the general appearance of several tools Change the options of the paper and grid paper Customize the toolbar and the toolbar settings Jennifer Most important preferences to set in my opinion would be to make the screen able to be minimized and maximized. Also change the tool bar. Might want to add a redo button, spotlight or other tools you frequently use depending on your content area.
Interwrite Tools Sabrina Default toolbar can be changed in the preferences
Annotation Tools The pen tool draws dashed or dotted lines, as well as lines with different end styles including arrows. The pen tool can be used to underline key items projected on the computer. Use the shape tool to draw a variety of shapes, which can have selected edge and fill colors. Sabrina
Annotation Tools The line tool does the same things as the pen tool except that it draws straight lines. This is particularly helpful is nice crisp clean lines are desired. Sabrina Use to highlight text or other information that is being projected.
Annotation Tools Use the text tool to type onto the screen. Font style, characterics such as bold, italics etc. can be changed. The picture pen allows you insert pictures at the stroke of the pen. (These two are not on default tool bar but under the tools button in tool bar.) Sabrina The multicolor pen has the ability to draw lines that change color in mid stroke as well as a line with an outline.
Your Turn Take 3-5 minutes to practice using the tools we just introduced. Some ideas you can try are: Use pen tool to write your name Change colors and write your name again Use highlight tool to highlight your name Place a shape on your page and then change line thickness Create and type in a textbox Insert line and play around with color and thickness If you have any questions or need assistance just ask. Sabrina Then show some documents created by Sabrina, Jennifer, and Joy.
D-West Interwrite Wiki The Doniphan West Interwrite Wiki can be accessed by the following web address. On this wiki you can find some examples of documents we’ve created in workspace. Other items of interest that you might wish to access later are: Tutorials from Interwrite. Websites with lesson ideas, simulations and games that work well with the Interwrite Tablets. Jennifer- Go over what the wiki is and introduce the items that we’ve created and added to the wiki. We’ll open one of them and begin this portion. 1st Demonstrate how we use our created documents with students. First thing – Sabrina model how you could use the board with the click and drag continents (world map) 2nd – Color the KS Counties ( Open this file and practice at their computer) 3rd Jennifer – 3- Dimensional Solids other tools (see notes) Then how to create your own. Sabrina can walk through
Tools to Focus Student Attention Present content using “curtain” to hide or show all of parts of a lesson. Use “spotlight” to display certain content. Use the onscreen timer
Creating Lessons I’ll be adding some tools used when creating documents and maybe something about the gallery here! It may just be for a reference for the teachers.
Your Turn Use the Interwrite Workspace to create a file (s) that you could use in your classroom with the Interwrite Schoolpad. Here’s some things for you to try: - explore and insert a gallery image - browse the Interwrite Sims - import a picture (s) or diagram (s) from the internet - practice using a variety of tools - brainstorm ideas of how you could use the tools with your students in your content area
Interwrite Resources Interwrite Website On the Interwrite Website you have several options to find resources to use In your classroom. - View all – See a list of topics by Title, Subject, Grade level & Country - Browse Lesson by Correlated State Standards - Keyword Search When you find a resources you’d like to explore then you just click download and make sure you remember where you saved that file. To open just double click on the file and it will open in Interwrite Workspace Jennifer
Useful Websites Any websites that are interactive Search for SmartBoard or Whiteboard resources or websites and you can use any of those with the Interwrite Schoolpad. (Notebook files or .cwk files won’t work) Do an advanced search in Google for Flash files and those work great with the Schoolpad
Your Turn Take the rest of the time to explore. Here’s some ideas of things you might want to try before lunch. Explore the Interwrite Resources on the Interwrite website to find some you find useful. Examine the websites that I’ve linked on the D-West Interwrite wiki Practice using one your favorite websites with the Interwrite tablet