Annual Compulsory Education Safe lifts & transfers Annual Compulsory Education
Learning Objectives Increase your understanding of the Brenda Strafford Foundation policy on Safe Lifts & Transfers Increase your understanding of the Principles of Safe Lifts & Transfers Apply these principles to resident care to promote safety & avoid injury Increase your understanding of the correct use of transfer belts & apply this knowledge to resident care
Safe lifts & Transfers The Brenda Strafford Foundation has a policy outlining a Safe Lifts & Transfers Program that all staff shall follow when assisting a resident Failure to follow the Safe Lifts & Transfers Program can not only lead to injury to both staff & residents but also lead to disciplinary action It is important to recognize the risk of musculoskeletal injury, to detect & report injury quickly Care staff will be assessed on an annual basis for competency in the Safe Lifts & Transfer Program
lifts & Transfers – Non resident Manual Materials Handling: Any task that requires a person to manually move something from one point to another This includes tasks where you use your muscle power to move things from one place to another with or without the aid of powered equipment
principles of safe lifting Plan your move Check the Nursing Care Plan Know your limitations. Ask “Can I do this task safely?” Know the resident: How must help do they need? Can they follow direction? What is their physical condition? Clear communication with co-worker & resident is important Is the environment clear of clutter & distractions?
principles of safe lifting Strong Foundation: feet shoulder-width apart, squat & bend knees to approximately 45º Maintain a Centre of Gravity: Keep your head up & the resident/load close to your centre of gravity to have optimal balance Big job need big muscles: utilize your butt, leg, as well as abdominal muscles (core)
principles of safe lifting Power Grip: Palms up gives a better shoulder posture which uses the larger muscle groups in the shoulders Reduce Friction: Use transfer belts/sliding sheets Communicate with your partner & resident using 1-2-3 count: Report errors, near misses, & mistakes Report equipment malfunction & update Resident Assessment Form
principles of safe lifting Stick to the Script: Consistently applying these principles will help it become second nature When transferring or positioning a resident, always ensure proper resident body positing when the task is complete
principles of safe lifting Position Wheelchair: Allow resident to lead with their strong side Raise Bed: Working level is at the waist or slightly lower, they also allows the resident to stand more easily Proper Footwear: Non-slip shoes
Transfer belts One of the most important tools to prevent injury to both yourself & the resident is the transfer belt It provides a point of stability & allows the caregiver to maintain control of the resident’s movement Staff shall use a transfer belt during all type of resident transfers and/or assisting ambulating techniques
Transfer belts Place Transfer Belt snugly around the resident’s waist Grasp either side of the belt in an underhand (power grip) or grasp the back of the bell with an overhand grip Resident’s arms are inside the caregiver’s unless the resident is assisting with the transfer
Slider sheets Residents classified as Total Care in the RAI Assessment shall be repositioned in bed using a slider sheet (Will be in the Nursing Care Plan) Residents classified as Extensive Assistance in the RAI Assessment shall be individually evaluated as to whether or not a slider sheet shall be used for bed mobility (Will be in the Nursing Care Plan)
Bsf requirements RNs, LPNs, HCAs, OT/PT, Recreation Therapy staff, & Adult Day Support staff must complete the Annual On-Line Compulsory In-services each year RNs, LPNs, HCAs, OT/PT, Recreation Therapy staff, & Adult Day Support Staff must complete the hands-on Safe Lifts & Transfers Skill Checklist (Competency) Annually.
Brenda Strafford Foundation LTD. Policies References Brenda Strafford Foundation LTD. Policies