Is it Possible to Understand Terrorism?
What is Terrorism?
What is Terrorism? * The illegitimate use of force to achieve a political objective when innocent people are targeted. Walter Laquer (1996) * The deliberate and systematic, murder, maiming, and menacing of the innocent to inspire fear for political ends. Benjamin Netanyahu (1986) * The unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives. U.S Code of Federal Regulations (28 CFR, Section 0.85)
Israeli Settlement – 1966 / 1999
The Pattern of Settlement Ariel / Marda
Empty Land? Ahmad Mohammed I. “In 1978 when they built Ariel, they took 20 dunums of land from me. My land was on that hillside where I had 100 olive trees. That was theft.” Ahmad Mohammed I. (author interview 2015)
Hebron Old City
Hebron Old City
Hebron Old City
Hebron Old City
Hebron Checkpoints
Hebron Clashes
Free Speech? …we recognize and fully support the rights of all parties to voice their positions on political issues, whether supportive or critical. We also understand that when parties adopt a specific political position they become responsible for their actions and these actions may produce criticism. Elliot Hirschman, President SDSU