Group activity brainstorm What are 10 things that a leader should NOT do at camp? Example: Texting friends while at camp
relationships Listen to them share Share with them Ask questions Get to know each child Listen to them share Share with them Ask questions Meet their parents
PAIR AND SHARE DISCUSS What was a special present you have received? What was an important day in your life? 90 SECONDS
FEUD FAMILY 2 teams (families) One representative each 3 strikes 6 possible answers
Signs of good listening FAMILY FEUD Signs of good listening 1 4 2 5 3 6
Signs of good listening FAMILY FEUD Signs of good listening Eye Contact Reflect Emotions Same Level Body Language Side by Side Asking Questions
PAIR AND SHARE DISCUSS What was a special present you have received? What was an important day in your life? 90 SECONDS
Role model Be involved Watch what you say Respect other leaders What you do matters! Be involved Watch what you say Respect other leaders Model what you expect
OUT! ACT IT Work in groups Act out scenario as written Act out with a solution
PAIR AND SHARE DISCUSS Who was the best camp leader you ever had? What made them so awesome?
Group activity brainstorm What are some qualities we, as leaders, want to have? Example: Funny, encouraging