“But do I have the right to teach Aboriginal issues “But do I have the right to teach Aboriginal issues?” Examining common (stated) resistances
Context - Ontario Institute for Studies in Education – Initial Teacher Education Program Approx 1000 teacher candidates Deepening Knowledge Project
OUR QUESTION: What strategies are most powerful in increasing teacher candidates’ WILLINGNESS AND READINESS to incorporate Aboriginal knowledge and pedagogy into their classroom practice? Cohort: Central Option
Knowledge of the Histories Entry Midpoint Closing (4%) (2%) I have studied these histories carefully and have an extensive knowledge of the histories of Aboriginal peoples of Canada. (10%) (30%) (38%) I have fairly extensive knowledge of the histories of Aboriginal peoples in Canada. (58%) (64%) (60%) I have some knowledge of the histories of Aboriginal peoples in Canada. (28%) I have little knowledge of these histories.
Knowledge of Current Issues Entry Midpoint Closing (4%) (11%) (9%) I have extensive knowledge of the current issues and events involving Aboriginal peoples of Canada. (10%) (38%) (51%) I have fairly extensive knowledge of the current issues and events involving Aboriginal peoples in Canada. (63%) (49%) (40%) I have some knowledge of the current issues and events involving Aboriginal peoples. (22%) I have little knowledge of these current issues and events.
Self-Perceived Readiness ENTRY MIDPOINT CLOSING (10%) (13%) Very ready (7%) (34%) (48%) Ready (47%) (36%) Somewhat ready (49%) (6%) Not ready
1 2 3 How would you respond to: Please discuss Why should I prioritize Aboriginal history, issues and perspectives when there are many social justice issues that the students in my classes have? How do I fit in these Aboriginal topics when there is so little time? Should I start to teach about these things even if I feel I don’t know enough? Please discuss