Get more exposure for your business Supporting sport in the community
Get more exposure for your business For £50 a year businesses can advertise on the digital display in the clubhouse. Updated on a weekly basis each advert has 20 seconds exposure a minimum of three times per hour. The display is running whenever the clubhouse is used and represents great value for money. More traditionally bespoke advertising banners can be purchased. These will be permanent features surrounding the pitch at Broomfield. The cost of such advertising is £150 per annum. All teams within the club, whether it be the senior sides or the boys and girls in junior sections welcome help with their kit. Whether it be company logos on socks or shorts or business names on shirts or training tops, such sponsorship is very useful and negotiable. The first XV seek sponsorship for each of their home fixtures. At a cost of £300 sponsors will be provided with lunch prior to the game (or a buffet afterwards if preferred) and admission to the match. Their name will be highlighted in the programme and they will choose the 'man of the match' and the opportunity make the presentation afterwards (again if they choose!) Matchball sponsorship is also available at a cost of £25. These options and/or any offers of help can be discussed at any time with David Kaye (Chairman) on 07774 660060 or Barry Thompson (President) 01422 822679. It is often the seemingly simple things that are the most helpful - putting out traffic cones, taking kit to the laundry, sweeping out the stand etc etc. Support Old Crossleyans RUFC community