Marian Marsh, Transport Planner Reading’s BikeSmart Project: Incentivising new people to cycle using a Smartphone App and other ICT. BikePlus conference 27-28 Sept 17 Telling a story of how to encourage cycling in the UK where it is not in the culture… Marian Marsh, Transport Planner BA, MA, M.R.T.P.I., M.C.I.L.T. Classification: OFFICIAL
Desire to build on LSTF investment: ReadyBike cycle hire scheme – 200 bikes, 29 docking stations Pedestrian/Cycle Bridge BetterPoints Incentives App (Challenge Fund) Trainings and led rides were successful Potential to increase cycling, encourage vulnerable groups How to fund??? The Local Sustainable Transport Fund enabled Reading to deliver improved cycling infrastructure including a bike hire scheme and the development of an incentives App to encourage sustainable travel. Led rides/trainings/ Launchpad’s bikes to find a job scheme. Potential to do more. Reading’s modal share is slowly increasing but remains low compared to other UK Authorities and Europe, at around 4% for all trips. Cordon Count May 2016 around 2%.
Recognises people have heard enough about congestion, air quality and health reasons to get out of the car. This approach focuses on Rewards. Classification: OFFICIAL
EMPOWER Rewarding Change Reading’s Aims: To attract people to switch from car to bike using an App Double number of cyclists (not easy in UK in only 6 months) Inclusivity - to reach as diverse a population as possible, vulnerable groups Create a brand that could continue to run with whatever funding becomes available after EMPOWER BikeSmart aims to double the number of cyclists in the modal split from March to July 2017 by encouraging drivers to switch to cycling through the BetterPoints App offering points and prizes as well as adult cycle trainings, led rides, events and a workplace challenge. Bearing in mind the earlier slide, there was a strong sense of urgency to attract people who are currently limited in the travel choices they take and to break down barriers of affordability, fear of the unknown, embarrassment of taking cycle training etc. Classification: OFFICIAL
‘BikeSmart’ Something for everyone… App with points and prizes, info and tracking journeys Free led rides and trainings using hire bikes, bike maintenance Workplace Challenge to start in June The first poster with logo – inclusive by not having a helmet and cycling gear. EMPOWER appproach is rewards – points, prizes, feel good events. Many components to the package and you pick and choose what appeals to you. Classification: OFFICIAL
BetterPoints App Pivotal to the project – conveys all information of activities and challenges and potential to reach 20,000 existing users Allows tracking for use by Council Planning including heat maps User receives points (to spend at local and national retailers) rewarding travel and more challenges Push messaging encourages more cycling Prize draws and treats Developed and improved on LSTF version…
(Already delivering Bikeability to schools) User friendly cycle Package: Training – Back on your Bike, Fun Rides Experienced staff Reaching vulnerable groups with Led rides Encouraging people to give cycling a go! Pic Quote feedback Wonderful ‘feel good’ atmosphere to all they do thanks to the enthusiasm of their staff. Much positive feedback. Classification: OFFICIAL
Love to Ride – Workplace Challenge, June 2017 Web-based Platform Held the Cycle to Work Challenge in UK since 2007 Encourages commuter cycling with prizes and leaderboards Joint promotion of BikeSmart with BetterPoints App Love to Ride complimented the other parts of the package with a focus on commuters. We considered it quite a breakthrough for Reading to get BetterPoints App and Love to Ride to promote each another. Classification: OFFICIAL
Doctor Bike Free sessions at University Business parks Hospital Events Having looked at the main partners, let’s look in more detail at the package from Avanti… Classification: OFFICIAL
Avanti Led Rides using ReadyBikes for people without a bike Vulnerable groups Workplace lunchtimes Green Park Business Park Mental Health Awareness Day – Sport in Mind led ride Led rides are very reassuring for people who have not been on a bike for a long time or who do not know where is a good place to start cycling… Classification: OFFICIAL
Stalls at local Events encourage people to try a bike and sign up to BikeSmart I went along to this lunchtime event at a Business Park and watched people warm to the idea and sign up before my eyes! All you need is a friendly stall with information and cakes! Classification: OFFICIAL
Quantitative Impact Package of incentives led to a wider appeal Total participants: 1,959 (BetterPoints: 1092, Love to Ride: 867) Cycle trainings: 160+ Led rides: 170+ Dr Bike : 175+ Workplaces events:350+ Other Events: 320+ Survey findings: 88.5% found App easy to use 2/3 using bike instead of car 10% had long term condition Package of incentives led to a wider appeal Trainings attracted people who did not wish to sign up to the App or Love to Ride Trainings revealed how quick and easy it is to get from A to B avoiding traffic; taking clever short cuts and off-road cycle paths. Different people signed up to BetterPoints App or Love to Ride PowerPoint was made before all the results were in so I will add some hot off the press news following initial results of August user survey. App was easy to use, 2/3 had changed their travel behaviour from car to bike for at least one journey a week and many for 5+ journeys. Wanted to atract vulnerable groups – 10% long term medical condition – improving health and well being. Trainings showing off road routes you don’t see if you are in traffic. Classification: OFFICIAL
Qualitative Impact So many positive stories! Women’s led rides – and afterwards a goody bag, certificate and free lunch! ‘I just wanted to give you feedback on my 'Back on Your Bike' training this afternoon. It was brilliant! It had been around 8 years since I'd ridden a bike. I've already planned to swap 4 of my weekly car journeys for bike journeys this week’ 99.9% found trainings positive So much good feedback came in my email inbox! We really touched people’s lives… In conclusion, ICT can engage large numbers of people, while vulnerable groups and those who have not cycled for a long time can be encouraged by trainings and events. Amazing that all but one respondent found trainings positive – and our trainer still wanted to know what went wrong for the one respondent who said it was not positive – could have been an off day… Will not know as anonymised Classification: OFFICIAL
Conclusions People respond to rewards ICT can engage large numbers of people easily and raise awareness of cycling options – saves staff time… Trainings can encourage returning cyclists and vulnerable groups – key to success A package of both ICT and events can reach a wider demographic Add any conclusions from results after PowerPoint submitted Encouragement was key to success with vulnerable groups. Classification: OFFICIAL
Thank you for listening Marian Marsh, Transport Planner BA, MA, M.R.T.P.I., M.C.I.L.T. Some of our BikeSmart team at a BikeSmart stall at one of Reading’s business park’s.