Scientific Method The Scientific Method is a series of steps, a process you follow to answer a question or solve a problem
1. Problem Do you have a problem you need to figure out? a. Must be written in the form of a question b. Must be specific
2. form a Hypothesis a. Your hypothesis is an educated guess or possible solution to the problem. b. Written as an “If ___, then ___” statement. EX: If you stay up late, then____ c. Based on facts & ideas gathered from observations, research, etc.
3. Materials a. list of equipment needed to perform the experiment b. must be detailed: specific size of the tool total amount of the substances
4. Experiment (Procedure) (Test the hypothesis) List steps to test the hypothesis b. May only test one hypothesis at a time c. Contains two groups 1. Control group- comparison group; does NOT contain the variable being tested 2. Experimental group- contains the variable being tested (your dependent variable)
5. Data in the form of tables and graphs your observations made during the experiment Look for patterns!
6. Draw a Conclusion states if your hypothesis was correct or incorrect If incorrect: Identify what can be done differently next time Form a new hypothesis b. All experiments need to be repeated many times 1. the more times repeated, the more accurate the results c. Report your results
Practice Identifying Variables: Remember! Your hypothesis can TELL you what your variables are! Ex. If I drink Mountain Dew before bed, then I will not sleep very much. IV: Drinking Mountain Dew DV: the amount of sleep
Use this hypothesis to identify the variables: If I leave all the lights on during the day, then my electric bill will be expensive IV: ______________________ DV: ______________________
IV and DV worksheet