Intramembraneous Ossification Bones Intramembraneous Ossification
Mesenchymal cells condense into an ossification center
Cancellous vs Compact Bone Bones Cancellous vs Compact Bone
Diagram of a long bone withcompact and cancellous bone
Long bone with compact (arrows) and cancellous bone
Cancellous Bone
LM of a cancellous bone spicule
Diagram of compact bone (Haversian Systems)
Compact Bone
Haversian system (osteon) with central canal and osteocytes in lacunae connected by canaliculi
Decalcified compact bone
Bones The cells of bone
TEM of an osteocyte in lacuane (left) and high mag of calcifying matrix (right)
Multinucleated osteoclast
SEM of an osteoclast
Endochondrial Ossification - Long bone growth Bones Endochondrial Ossification - Long bone growth
Diagram of endochondrial ossification
Low mag of an epiphyseal growth plate (square) of a long bone
Long bone growth plate at epiphyseal end – note four zones