Lesson 19 Vocabulary with cues that fade away. Advance as rapidly as students can work smoothly.
kàn look! hú lake báo tǎ tower fēng jǐng scenery Páo Mǎ Shān Running Horse Mt. gāo xìng elated gǔ wén ancient writings È wén Russian kàn dǒng read with understanding tīng dǒng hear with understanding kànkan take a look
kà_ look! h_ lake báo t_ tower fēng jǐn_ scenery Páo Mǎ Shā_ Running Horse Mt. gāo xìn_ elated gǔ wén ancient writings È wén Russian kàn dǒn_ read with understanding tīng dǒn_ hear with understanding kànka_ take a look
kà_ look! h_ lake báo t_ tower fēng jǐ__ scenery Páo Mǎ ____ Running Horse Mt. gāo xìn_ elated gǔ wén ancient writings È wén Russian kàn dǒn_ read with understanding tīng dǒ__ hear with understanding kànka_ take a look
kà_ look! h_ lake báo __ tower fēng j___ scenery Páo M_ ____ Running Horse Mt. gāo xì__ elated gǔ wé_ ancient writings È wé_ Russian kàn dǒ__ read with understanding tīng d___ hear with understanding kànk__ take a look
kà_ look! h_ lake báo __ tower fēn_____ scenery Páo __ ____ Running Horse Mt. gāo ____ elated gǔ w__ ancient writings È wé_ Russian kàn ____ read with understanding tīn_ ____ hear with understanding kàn-__ take a look
kà_ look! h_ lake bá_ __ tower fē______ scenery Pá_ __ ____ Running Horse Mt. gā_ ____ elated gǔ ___ ancient writings È w__ Russian kà_ ____ read with understanding tī__ ____ hear with understanding kà___ take a look
_à_ look! __ lake _á_ __ tower _ē______ scenery _á_ __ ____ Running Horse Mt. _ā_ ____ elated _ǔ ___ ancient writings _ w__ Russian _à_ ____ read with understanding _ī__ ____ hear with understanding _à___ take a look
___ look! __ lake ___ __ tower ________ scenery ___ __ ____ Running Horse Mt. ___ ____ elated __ ___ ancient writings _ __ Russian ___ ____ read with understanding ____ ____ hear with understanding _____ take a look
gāo xìng qǐ lái le start up getting happy xiáng qǐ lái le call to mind, “think of” máng qǐ lái le start up getting busy hài pà qǐ lái le start getting scared tán qǐ huà lái le fall into a conversation
gāo xìng qǐ lái __ start up getting happy xiáng qǐ lái __ call to mind, “think of” máng qǐ lái __ start up getting busy hài pà qǐ lái __ start getting scared tán qǐ huà lái _ fall into a conversation
gāo xìng __ start up getting happy xiáng __ call to mind, “think of” máng __ start up getting busy hài pà __ start getting scared tán __ huà _ fall into a conversation
_______ start up getting happy _______ call to mind, “think of” _______ start up getting busy _______ start getting scared _______ fall into a conversation
zhào xiàng “shine” a picture zǒu guò qù walk over (to) nǔ lì hard working kāi shǐ begin kan`kan take a look
zhào xià__ “shine” a picture zǒu guò qù walk over (to) nǔ lì hard working kāi shǐ begin kan`kan take a look
zhào xi___ “shine” a picture zǒu guò __ walk over (to) nǔ lì hard working kāi shǐ begin kan`kan take a look
zhào _____ “shine” a picture zǒu g__ __ walk over (to) nǔ lì hard working kāi s__ begin kan`k__ take a look
zhà_ _____ “shine” a picture zǒu ___ __ walk over (to) nǔ l_ hard working kāi ___ begin kan`___ take a look
zh__ _____ “shine” a picture zǒ_ ___ __ walk over (to) nǔ __ hard working kā_ ___ begin ka____ take a look
z___ _____ “shine” a picture z__ ___ __ walk over (to) n_ __ hard working k__ ___ begin k_____ take a look
____ _____ “shine” a picture ___ ___ __ walk over (to) __ __ hard working ___ ___ begin ______ take a look
duì miàn the other side (of lake) yí zuò báo tǎ a tower zhào zhāng xiàng take a photograph zhào xià lái take it down (snap it)
d_ì m_à_ the other side (of lake) y_ z_ò _áo t_ǎ a tower z_à_ z_ā_g _i_n_ take a photograph z_à_ x_à _á_ take it down (snap it)
d__ m___ the other side (of lake) y_ z__ _á_ t__ a tower z___ z____ _____ take a photograph z___ x__ ___ take it down (snap it)
___ ____ the other side (of lake) __ ___ ___ ___ a tower ____ _____ _____ take a photograph ____ ___ ___ take it down (snap it)
Pronunciation note Zhuī (sounds like zhueī) means to chase. Jué means “to feel...” ZH is a retroflex consonant (tongue curled back in the mouth) J is the one with the tip of the tongue down behind the lower front teeth (ji, qi, xi).
Nǐ zěnme... How can you...?! jué dé to feel that háo dǒng easy to understand méi guānxi it does not matter yǒu qù interesting/engaging
N_ zěnme... How can you...?! jué dé to feel that háo dǒn_ easy to understand méi guānx_ it does not matter yǒu qù interesting/engaging
N_ zěnme... How can you...?! jué dé to feel that háo dǒn_ easy to understand méi guān__ it does not matter yǒu qù interesting/engaging
N_ zěnm_... How can you...?! jué dé to feel that háo dǒn_ easy to understand méi guā___ it does not matter yǒu qù interesting/engaging
N_ zěnm_... How can you...?! jué dé to feel that háo dǒ__ easy to understand méi guā___ it does not matter yǒu qù interesting/engaging
N_ zěn__... How can you...?! jué dé to feel that háo dǒ__ easy to understand méi gu____ it does not matter yǒu qù interesting/engaging
N_ zě___... How can you...?! jué d_ to feel that háo d___ easy to understand méi g_____ it does not matter yǒu q_ interesting/engaging
N_ z____... How can you...?! jué __ to feel that háo ____ easy to understand méi ______ it does not matter yǒu __ interesting/engaging
N_ _____... How can you...?! ju_ __ to feel that há_ ____ easy to understand mé_ ______ it does not matter yǒ_ __ interesting/engaging
N_ _____... How can you...?! j__ __ to feel that h__ ____ easy to understand m__ ______ it does not matter y__ __ interesting/engaging
__ _____... How can you...?! ___ __ to feel that ___ ____ easy to understand ___ ______ it does not matter ___ __ interesting/engaging
kuài dào almost up to zhōng wǔ noon yě cān picnic
kuài dà _ almost up to zhōng w_ noon yě cān picnic
kuài d _ _ almost up to zhōng _ _ noon yě cān picnic
kuài _ _ _ almost up to zhōn _ _ _ noon yě cā _ picnic
kuà _ _ _ _ almost up to zhō _ _ _ _ noon yě c _ _ picnic
ku _ _ _ _ _ almost up to zh _ _ _ _ _ noon yě _ _ _ picnic
k _ _ _ _ _ _ almost up to z _ _ _ _ _ _ noon y _ _ _ _ picnic
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ almost up to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ noon _ _ _ _ _ picnic