4th National Literacy Conference 20th-21st July 2016
Need for revised writing system 5 vowels otyat ot-yat ot yat 9 vowels ötyat öt-yat öt yat
Theme: Literacy for Sustainable National Development Topic: Engaging children in learning through visual aid Presenters: John Mark Muwangala Agnes Awoii James Odongo
Presentation Outline Goal and Objectives of NULP NULP coverage Reach What we have achieved What has been done Vs What needs to be done Creating a culture of literacy How NULP will strengthen the literacy culture Usage How NULP will engage learners in learning through visual aid
Competently trained teachers The Goal for NULP Improve literacy performance among pupils in early primary classrooms (P1-P3) and strengthen the literacy infrastructure in northern Uganda so that reading and writing, especially in the local language, become a meaningful part of daily life. Our Objectives Competently trained teachers A package of effective, affordable resources A comprehensive assessment model Community support for local language literacy
NULP Coverage Current Project: Literacy Laboratory Project, 2014-2016 Number of schools 158 Target: 60,000 P1-P3 pupils
Reach Oyam Kole Otuke Alebtong Dokolo Amolatar Lira Municipality
What we have achieved Effective teachers Quality texts in local language Support for local literacy instructions Performance improvement
Literacy Gains under Mango Tree’s Primary Literacy Project P.2 pupils’ performance in letter name knowledge in 2015 after being in the Mango Tree program in both P.1 and P.2. Pupils in Mango Tree schools can name 30 letters on average, 25% more than pupils in CCT schools and 60% more than the control schools.
P.3 pupils tested in 2015. P.3 pupils tested in 2015 that were exposed to the Mango Tree program for only one year in 2013 (when they were in P.1) performed 27% higher on average in end of year literacy examinations than their counterparts in CCT and control schools.
Pupils’ attitudes towards school Pupil responses to questions about what they like about school. A total of 63% of the 593 pupils surveyed gave very positive replies, including learning, writing and reading, among others.
What has been done vs What still needs to be done Children are able to demonstrate literacy competences. (There is not enough interesting titles in the local language for them to interact with and expand their knowledge.) Many teachers are doing their job effectively with the available tools. (They still need more to support their daily work.) Parents have been brought on board to support their children’s learning at school and at home. (It’s kind of boring to have the same titles shared at home.)
Creating a Culture of Literacy
The 60 Titles Book Development How Will NULP Strengthen the Literacy Culture? The 60 Titles Book Development Level 1 Readers Level 2 Readers Level 3 Readers Create a model toolkit for developing leveled readers for P1-P7 Train and support local writers, illustrators and translators Develop the leveled readers
Boost the creation of school libraries Usage Boost the creation of school libraries Upload titles online for a wider readership (Africa Storybook Project) Animate some titles to make them more lively for learners
Samples of how to engage learners: A title is developed “Riddle Book”
The same title is expanded through a play to make it more lively