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Presentation transcript:


Project generation and management Communication and promotion Activities in 2017 Events Studies Project generation and management Communication and promotion 2

Events Participation at the Kick-Off Conference DANUBEparksCONNECTED 3 Participation at the conference „Biomass for growth: potentials and challenges of bioenergy in the Danube Region“ – 30 November 2016 Bratislava Presenting the Danube Region Action Plan for Biomass Participation at the Kick-Off Conference DANUBEparksCONNECTED Possible synergies between PA2 and DANUBE FREE SKY Organization of project financing conference – 11 May Budapest Almost 200 stakeholders – to present international financial resources Organization of workshop on balancing bioenergy production and sustainable forest management in mountains areas – 17 May Sopron Organized back to back to the Carpathian Convention Working Group on Sustainable Forest Management Organization and participation at the conference „Future of macroregional strategies post 2020” 23 May Brussels with the participation of 23 countries – existing macro regional strategies shared their experiences Participation at the conference “Energy Prospects Post-2020” – 31 May Budapest Technical, infrastructural and regulatory challenges facing the energy systems of Central and South-eastern Europe 3

Studies Preparations of 3 studies Study on gas market integration in the Danube Region – post-2020 outlook for the Stakeholder Seminar – to be presented later Study on clean transport – for the Annual Forum – to be presented later Study on connectivity – traditional energy, transport, clean transport – for the Annual Forum – to be presented later Study on challenges and opportunities of natural gas sector in the Danube Region – for the Stakeholder Seminar – to be presented later 4

Project development activity DSPF – 2 projects submitted by PA2 REED project – Establishment of a Platform to promote sustainable energy project development in the Danube Region YourMobX project – Expectations of youth towards the future of mobility and potential implications to policy and education Danube Transnational Programme 2nd call 10 projects were submitted under the special objective 3.2 To improve energy security and energy efficiency, 2 or 3 will be funded Projects that received LoR from PA2 IEEDR - Improving Energy Efficiency of local authorities in the Danube Region SPA-REUSE – Successful pro-energy applications – responsible thermal water and energy use in the Danube Region 5

Project management activity Participation in DARLINGe project (Danube Region Leading Geothermal Energy) 1st project meeting in January, in Budapest Kick-off meeting in May, in Budapest 2nd project meeting in June, in Ljubljana Participation in professional work Participation in thematic pole 8 (Darlinge, Energy Barge and 3Smart projects)

Communication and promotion Homepage management Regular articles and updates Participation in the preparation of the EUSDR newsletter Introduction of Darlinge project Information about eTourEurope 2017 Supporting the event eTourEurope 2017 European electric car long-distance rally to promote eMobility Participation at the event Promotion of PA2 in the official newsletter of the event

Upcoming tasks and events 2017 Focus: Annual Forum on 18-19 October Events organized by PA2 Stakeholder Seminar – date to be defined, Brussels, and in Prague Annual Forum – 2 workshops on energy: traditional energy and clean transport + Ministerial panel focusing on energy security Studies Study on gas market integration in the Danube Region Study on clean transport Study on connectivity Project management Project generation and support (Seed Money Facility) Participation in ongoing projects – DARLINGe + other projects in thematic pole 8 (Energy Barge and 3Smart) Communication, promotion Webpage management Promotional materials for annual forum Participation in workshops, conferences related to our activities 8

GAS MARKET INTEGRATION ELECTRICITY MARKET/ SMART CITIES Medium-term plan 2017 GAS MARKET INTEGRATION 2018 2019 ELECTRICITY MARKET/ SMART CITIES Electricity market Bioenergy/bio-economy Activities: Small studies/reports (different topics) Expert seminar on decentralization of electricity grid Project seminar on Smart cities, clean fuel,… Policy seminar on Smart DR ENERGY POVERTY Energy poverty Financing (post 2020) Study, policy seminar and call for papers on energy poverty 9

General information PA2 Roadmap 2017 – 2019 PA2 piloting slight modifications (phrasing) PA2 website PA2 piloting ½ year basis

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