TIME LINE MANAGEMENT 1436 - 1525 TIME LINE MANAGEMENT DOLI YUBEL RIOS Arsenal de Venecia 4 Feb 1436 Cost accounting, control checks and balances, inventory numbers, parts exchange, using the technique of line personnel management, standardization of parts, inventory control and cost. Niccolo Machiavelli (Italy February 24, 1525 Reliance on the principle of group consensus, recognizing the need for cohesion in the organization, statements of the qualities of leadership, describing political tactics. TIME LINE MANAGEMENT DOLI YUBEL RIOS
TIME LINE MANAGEMENT 1767 - 1797 Sir James Stuart3 Aug 1767 Teoría of the source of authority, impact of automation, differentiation between managers and workers from the advantages of specialization. " Adam Smith 15 Mar 1776 Application of the principle of specialization to manufacturing workers, control concept. Eli Withney21 June 1797 "scientific method, job cost accounting and quality control, application of the concept of exchange of the parties, recognizing the administrative amplitude"
TIME LINE MANAGEMENT 1855-1903 Henry Varnum 1855 Your contribution to management is: The organizational structure that provides an appropriate system of comunication and series of reports summarizing operational costs. Frederick Taylor 1878 He is known as father of Scientific Management: Intended to produce a mental revolution among managers and workers by creating clear guidelines for improving production. Raises four principles basics to reach an efficient administration Max Weber 1903 Theory on authority structure Developing a theory of structures described it authority and activities of the organization based on authority relations.
TIME LINE MANAGEMENT 1913-1916 Hugo Munsterberg 1913 Theory of Psychology and industrial efficiency. He proposed to apply the effects applied psychology in industry, begged to be used more the science of management and a better understanding and application of psychology. Henry Gantt 1913 Creator of the work "Work, wages and benefits“ Develops a system of incentives and bonuses, as well as a tool for planning and controlling the work. Henry Fayol 1916 Classical Theory, He was the first to systematically try to find some general principles of the work of managers and summarized in 14 principles
Elton Mayo1933 Theory of human relationships He gave the social approach to the adminitracion. His contribution was given by an experiment conducted at Western Electric, based on their results could test the impact of attitudes and social development in their despempeño labor groups in the organization. Mary Parker 1941 Empowerment She emphasizes human behavior, together with the scientific management or group approach to the solution of systems of administrative problems. Chester Barnard 1948 organization A system coscientemente cordinadas activities or forces. Establishing trust with workers.