Tuesday 5/9/17 Notebook Entry: This image was taken from a NASA satellite traveling out in our solar system. What do you think the big object might be? The little speck?
Cassini - Huygens Dimensions: 22 feet high; 13.1 feet wide Weight: 12,593 pounds with fuel, Huygens probe, adapter, etc; 4,685 pounds Launch: Oct. 15, 1997, from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Fla. Number of people who worked on some portion of Cassini- Huygens: More than 5,000
Due today Gravity and Motion Article with 2 column notes and sheets of 11 questions. (Staple all three together when you turn in.) Gravity and Motion Lab Stations Packet – if you did not turn in yesterday.
Gravity The strength of the force of gravity between two objects depends on two factors: The masses of the two objects The distance between the two objects Inertia and gravity combine to keep Earth in orbit around the sun and thee moon in orbit around the earth. How would changing mass and distance affect orbit of Earth?
The BIG Question: Why are objects in the solar system different from each other? I can analyze and interpret data to determine properties of objects in the solar system.
An illustration of the Ptolemaic geocentric system by Portuguese cosmographer and cartographer Bartolomeu Velho, 1568 (Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris)
EARTH IS AT THE CENTER OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM = GEOCENTRIC MODEL OF SOLAR SYSTEM 140 A.D. Greek astronomer, Ptolemy developed the geocentric view of the solar system. Widely accepted for 1,500 years.
EARTH AND THE OTHER PLANETS REVOLVE AROUND THE SUN = HELIOCENTRIC SYSTEM Not widely accepted at first. 1543 Polish astronomer, Copernicus
Italian scientist, Galileo Galilei collected evidence with a telescope and convinced others the heliocentric model was correct. Discovered 4 moons orbiting Jupiter Venus has phases, much like our Moon does- can only be seen with a telescope
Late 1500s Dutch, Johannes Kepler, discovered path of planets was elliptical
What makes up our solar system
Introduction to the Solar System: Read and do pages 82-85 Assignment Introduction to the Solar System: Read and do pages 82-85