GEO Work Plan Espen Volden GEO Secretariat GEOSS Future Products 26-28 March 2013
GEO 2012-15 WP 1. INFRASTRUCTURE (Architecture and Data Management) 2. INSTITUTIONS AND DEVELOPMENT (Data Sharing, Capacity Building, Science and Technology, User Engagement) 3. INFORMATION FOR SOCIETAL BENEFITS (9 GEOSS Societal Benefit Areas)
5 INFRASTRUCTURE Tasks IN-01 Earth Observing Systems IN-02 Earth Data Sets IN-03 GEOSS Common Infrastructure IN-04 GEOSS Communication Networks IN-05 GEOSS Design and Interoperability
5 INSTITUTIONS & DEVELOPMENT Tasks ID-01 GEOSS Data Sharing Principles ID-02 Institutional & Individual Capacity ID-03 Science & Technology in GEOSS ID-04 Building a User-Driven GEOSS ID-05 Catalyzing Resources for GEOSS
16 INFORMATION FOR SOCIETAL BENEFITS Tasks 5 Cross-SBA Tasks SB-01 Oceans and Society: Blue Planet SB-02 Global Land Cover SB-03 Global Forest Observation SB-04 Global Urban Observations & Information SB-05 Impact Assessment of Human Activities
16 INFORMATION FOR SOCIETAL BENEFITS Tasks 11 “single”-SBA Tasks Disasters DI-01 Risk Management and Disaster Reduction Health HE-01 Tools & Information for Decision-Making HE-02 Tracking Pollutants (incl. Mercury) Energy EN-01 Energy and Geo-Resources Management
16 INFORMATION FOR SOCIETAL BENEFITS Tasks 11 “single”-SBA Tasks Climate CL-01 Climate Information for Adaptation CL-02 Global Carbon Observation and Analysis Water WA-01 Integrated Water Information (incl. Floods and Droughts) Weather WE-01 High-Impact Weather Prediction
16 INFORMATION FOR SOCIETAL BENEFITS Tasks 11 “single”- SBA Tasks Ecosystems EC-01 Global Ecosystem Monitoring Agriculture AG-01 Global Agricultural Monitoring Biodiversity BI-01 Global Biodiversity Observation (GEO BON)
Implementation Details In Task Component Sheets Available through online Work Plan Information Management System on GEO Web Include details such as expected achievements by 2015, milestones, issues and gaps, gap analysis activities, key users, and information relevant to decision-making
Work Plan Management 1 Implementation Board for Infrastructure 1 Implementation Board for Institutions and Development 1 Implementation Board for Information for Societal Benefits
Boards Terms of Reference Objectives Monitor progress towards achieving the 2015 GEOSS Strategic Targets Annually assess Strategic Targets completion progress and provide analytical review of Task performance against Targets Identify issues, gaps, and Target objectives that require additional support from the GEO community Design and conduct actions for addressing issues and gaps
Boards Terms of Reference Objectives Actively coordinate activities across Tasks within a specific part of the Work Plan (e.g. Infrastructure), while also establishing cross-cutting links to the other parts Advise on Task implementation; provide guidance on issues of technical and non-technical nature (e.g. resources; delivery on commitments of Members and Participating Organizations)
Joint Implementation Boards initiative Sprint to Summit Joint Implementation Boards initiative Improvement of user experience of GEOSS Showcases (videos): added value Wider access to EO resources Increasing capacity of developing countries Capabilities of GEOSS to be demonstrated: Search, discovery & access to priority EO data (DataCORE) Dissemination techniques Joint Implementation Boards initiative (born in Infrastructure Board - Sprint to Plenary 2011) Showcases (videos): added value of GEOSS & GEO wider access to Earth observation resources, particularly access to the priority key observations as identified by the SBA user communities Increasing the capacity of developing countries to use and apply EO resources to support decision making Search, discovery and access to priority Earth observation data, with a focus on GEOSS DataCORE data Dissemination techniques including GEO Portal, GEONETCast & access through other Community Portals due to interconnectivity with the GEOSS Common Infrastructure Actions being identified, targeting particular GCI functionalities and user interfaces, linkages with existing Community Portals, and a more robust dialogue with the Communities of Practice and application/user communities. To achieve the Sprint to Summit objectives, the community will develop an action plan and complete the work by organizing into dedicated action teams tasked with specific parts of the action plan. A dialogue with the Ministerial Working Group will be ensured to allow for a maximum synchronization of messages with the showcases spearheaded by this WG © GEO Secretariat 13
Work Plan Symposium “Demonstrating GEOSS Added Value: Sprint to Summit” 4-6 June in Geneva Objectives: Advance the Sprint to Summit initiative Develop cross-cutting demonstrators for Ministerial Summit & GEO-X Plenary Strengthen synergies across Tasks and accelerate GEOSS implementation Collectively address issues and gaps Inform the Work Plan community of recent progress Develop practical recommendations for the 2014 Work Plan update Improve Component Sheet contents Implementation boards meetings 3 & 6-7 June © GEO Secretariat
Thank you! © GEO Secretariat © GEO Secretariat
Sprint to Summit Targeted Improvements of GEOSS Infrastructure GEO Portal interface (neater, more user-friendly, for all) Interconnectivity with Community Portals Results ranking & presentation Access Implement Preview of data Use metrics Increase registration … GWP interface: cleaner, plug-ins not required to visualize data … Presentation of search results to users (e.g. data at collection and granule level) Improve access to the data from the discovered results Embed links to services or data directly in the metadata Needs involvement from data providers Priority To DataCORE resources needed for StS demonstrators To other DataCORE To rest of the data (over time) Increase registration (DataCORE, time series, modeling resources, higher level products and socio-economic data) © GEO Secretariat 17
Sprint to Summit First ideas for showcases Needs of users in developing countries GEONETCast for distribution of data & products to users Addressing variety of SBA needs, validated by users User testimonial(s) Inventory of space-based EO capacity building activities AfriGEOSS Needs of scientific and policy community at global level Blue Planet (UNESCO) Showing benefits at global and regional level Management of marine resources (e.g. fish stocks) 3. Disasters? 4. Energy? 5. Water? … © GEO Secretariat 18
Sprint to Summit action plan & dedicated action teams by mid April Next steps Sprint to Summit action plan & dedicated action teams by mid April Ministerial WG wide Call for Proposals for showcases mid May Scenarios presentation and discussion at GEO Work Plan Symposium 4-6 June © GEO Secretariat 19